What's NFT and Why it's so popular this year.
Blockchain has been there for a long time, and it came across a lot of different applications including NFT. NFT particularly attracted lots of audiences that were not from crypto world. Some of my thoughts about NFT are as below: 1. Existed IPs that we knew in our culture were onboarded to NFT this year, and these IPs did “Accelerated” NFT to become popular. 2. Like e-commerce unlocked the door for the internet to normal people, NFT unlocked the door for people to experience things on blockchain, it’s not only a thing but a gateway that gonna create a huge paradigm shift. 3. NFT did unlock a lot of things that were not able to monetize before, for example, the production process & art materials in a movie, game, or video. 4. During the pandemic, brands need another way to interact with their fans as well as monetize their content. Last thing, most people see NFT as digital collectibles which is correct in a way, and it’s easier to understand NFT as well, however, the definition limited its potential in the future, it can be anything that requires a unique ID to stand for its value in the future. 最常被問到的就是 NFT 是什麼?到底能幹嘛。為什麼區塊鏈許多產品大眾都不熟悉,但 NFT 傳唱的速度似乎比較快,也接觸到比較多非區塊鏈圈的人,自己的想法列成幾點跟大家分享下: 1. 許多我們熟悉的 IP 在這一年內開始推出 NFT 類的產品,加快了 NFT 變的熱門速度。 2. NFT 之於區塊鏈,類似電商之於網路的感覺。有了電商後,我們開始透過網路有了更多資訊交換的過程,進而發展出社群、金融等百百種影用。NFT 則是開始讓大家體驗區塊鏈產品,接著還有更多應用在後面排隊。 3. NFT 讓過去不易變現的東西,像是電影、電玩遊戲或創作的製作過程、藝術素材,有了變現的機會。 4. 疫情之下,品牌跟內容都需要更多與粉絲互動,同時讓粉絲課金的管道,NFT 成了一個選項。 NFT 直接與數位藝術品、收藏品做掛鉤會讓人容易理解,但這種定義方式,接觸到更多不同應用時會產生混淆,用獨有特定的憑證來了解 NFT 會更容易能接受除了數位收藏品外的應用,減少之後產生的矛盾。

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