

Note that this project not affiliated with FORTH

If you like the post and would like to give it a try.
Please use the below link to support me:

Pic 1: Connect Wallet

Go to
Or click on Games->Mint Ham

Pic 2: Mint Ham Preparation

Start minting your first ApeGod, only need to pay gas fee

Pic 3: Mint ApeGod

After ApeGod mint, you need to stake it. Otherwise it's not going to create FBX for you automatically

Pic 4: Stake ApeGod

Be aware that the basic ApeGod only has 1 Hashrate. If you want to add value to your NFT in the future, you need to level it up. Each level up is approximately 20U. Based on below table you can check the computation power

Pic 5: Computation Power and Level Table

You can only feed each ApeGod every 12 hours:

Pic 6: 12 hours rule

Based on my calculation from the beginning of Day1 (I spent about an hour or so to figure out how to feed lol)

Pic 7: Day 1 per minutes return

And my combination as follows:
1. ApeGod#99 HashRate 200
2. ApeGod#518 HashRate 200
3. ApeGod#1077 HashRate 1
4. ApeGod#1082 HashRate 1

Pic 8: Day1-2 FBX to USD

Pic 9: Day 1-2 FORTH to USD

Pic8 and Pic9 was captured from on 11:40 AM GMT+8

Here's the Day 2 return trend as of 11:42 AM GMT+8

Pic 10: Day 2 per minute return

You can see that the return rate kept dropping until roughly hits the 12 hours event.

I think this Game is designed not to biased the early join members. If you join late, you can still feed the ApeGod and get upgrade for the same amount 20U. And you can see from the roadmap. Right now is at very beginning of the BIG project.

PIc 11: Road Map

If you don't have too many crypto like myself, I suggest you just focus on upgrading one ApeGod. If you run out of fund, just leave there and it will still generate FBX for you. You can cash out FBX to BNB anytime but keep in mind the gas fee. Don't cash out too often to waste your mining profit.

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


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