5 Ways to Design Amazing Icons for Your Website


Icons are an often overlooked but absolutely essential part of any design project. They’re used to communicate with the user and help them navigate through your site or app, and they can also serve as visual reminders of things that the user has already done or places that they’ve already been on your site or app. While they may not seem like much, they are essential in your website design and can either make or break a successful first impression with your users!

1) Content is Key

One of the most important factors in ensuring your business’s success is having compelling content on your website. If you want people to spend time on your site, they need a reason; if they have no reason, they will simply leave and never return. That’s why it’s so important that you take time every day to write engaging, useful, interesting articles and publish them on your website.

2) Less is More

The best icons are clean and simple. They let you know at a glance what they represent without all that extra fluff, so do your best to keep them as uncluttered as possible. Sure, it might be tempting to throw in some extra details just for fun, but resist. It’s more important that your icon be functional and legible than cool-looking or intricate.

3) Keep It Fresh!

The number one way to avoid making dated icons is to keep them from becoming dated in the first place. With ever-changing trends, keeping up with what looks good and new is just as important as knowing how it’s going to work on your website. When you’re designing icons, focus on simplicity and accuracy rather than artistic style. Keep colors and design straightforward, not complicated or distracting from what they’re supposed to communicate.

4) Color Matters

You can use color theory to create a high-quality icon that jumps off a page or screen, but it’s all about contrast. When choosing an icon color scheme, look for a balance between complementary and analogous colors. For example, blue (#0093DA) and orange (#FF9C00) are complimentary colors on opposite sides of the color wheel.

5) Test, Test, Test!

It may seem obvious, but you should test your icons before sending them live. Run them through an icon checker, test their size, and make sure everything looks perfect across different browsers and devices. It’s better to find problems now than after you’ve published!


If you think your website is designed with an excellent user experience, but it still lacks visual appeal, then it’s time to invest in icon designing. As of today, a lot of businesses and startups across India hire UI/UX design companies in India that provide quality icon designing services. If you plan on hiring one for yourself as well, make sure you look at their portfolio and do some research about them beforehand.

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