Chromia crypto review leads you to the updated angle of blockchain

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Chromia is a blockchain specially built for decentralized applications. Its predecessor was ChromaWay. The core team of ChromaWay created the world's first token issuance protocol in 2012, and introduced the relational model to the enterprise blockchain through a consortium database called Postchain. Now, Postchain is open to the outside world, and Chromia is built on this. In 2015, the founding team of Chromia cooperated with LHV Bank in Estonia to develop Euro payment based on public chain tokens and explored stable coins. Then, the team discovered the bottleneck and breakthrough of the blockchain industry at that time, and began to devote itself to the research and development of the public chain, and Chromia was born. This Chromia crypto review let you know better.

The Chromia sidechain allows DApp developers to filter from various charging models. MNA will pay CHR tokens to reserve storage and computing power on the Chromia network, allowing its players to participate in the game without holding any cryptocurrency. These players will have a Chromia cryptocurrency wallet that will seamlessly connect to the user interface. However, players do not have to acquire CHR tokens or any other tokens as a condition of entering the game. If the player decides not to buy or sell the NFT obtained in the game, the player can even play the game without knowing how the cryptocurrency works.

Chromia's relational database architecture makes it more efficient to store and process data than other blockchains. Because of this, the procedural logic for generating land plots and managing the rules of the game can be saved on the blockchain. In addition, information about the virtual eternal world, such as the location and direction of items, will also be stored on the chain. This means that MNA does not need to rely on a central server to continuously provide services to players. As long as MNA continues to pay CHR tokens to various network nodes, the game will continue to operate.

Chromia Originals is an advanced NFT standard native to the Chromia blockchain, which integrates more advanced metadata sets, as well as new features and flexibility. Originals has six key attributes, including ownership, interchangeability, composability, interchangeability, programmability, and portability. What is Chromia game’s plan?

This set of attributes gives NFT several breakthrough development possibilities. Taking MNA as the theme for a simple example, a rare NFT item can be used five times. The player can use it once, and then sell it to another player, and there are four remaining opportunities to use this item. Therefore, the value of this item on the open market will be much higher than other items of the same type that have only one opportunity to use it. 

Based on this advantage, there are already some good decentralized games on Chromia. We tried one of them called Mines of Dalarnia (Mines of Dalarnia was developed in cooperation with Chromia&Workinman Interactive, Chromia&Workinman Interactive is a multi-platform game Developers, who have worked with well-known companies such as Disney and Atari), you can see that even if the user's multiple interactions occur on the chain, the fluency is much higher than that of other interactions that require a transaction with a smart contract. The public chain has greatly improved the user experience and lowered the threshold for users. After all, if every action in the game requires a fee or user resources, it will quickly dissuade users.

Chromia's design scheme that integrates blockchain and relational database technology has solved the low performance and high cost problems currently faced in DApp development. The effect of its actual operation still needs to wait for the Chromia platform ecology to be further enriched before it can be effectively tested. Chromia crypto review might give you some clue to the future of blockchain.

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