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🍺🍽在 小樽 No.1倉庫 喝 啤酒 劃重點 Enjoy your Otaru Beer at Warehouse No.1 restaurant,Japan


小樽釀造所是北海道在地啤酒代表,到小樽旅遊,幾乎都能在稍大超市買到小樽啤酒,但若要真正體驗小樽釀造所啤酒,強力推薦到小樽 No.1倉庫

Otaru beer is a famous local beer brand in Hokkaido,Japan. You could buy their products in supermarkets of Hokkaido.

But if you really wanna taste something special, you gotta go Otaru Beer Warehouse No.1 restaurant.

重點一:只有在小樽 No.1倉庫,才提供超市買不到的季節限定口味



Otaru Beer Warehouse No.1 restaurant served a couple of craft beers that are hardly found in other supermarkets. You could also go to their website & click on “seasonal beer”.

We tasted Raspberry,Wheat grass & lemon grass beer here. And that’s an amazing journey. Fruity Raspberry & Wheat grass beer were made so delighted flavors that we ordered twice.

重點二:唯有在小樽 No.1倉庫,才嚐得到小樽釀造所用北海道食材特製的下酒菜;冒險版下酒菜推薦特製肉凍,呈現時上面還特地有一顆如黃鑽般的燉肉高湯凍,入口滋味豐富,有油脂卻不膩,配啤酒真是人間美味。


They also served some special dishes only for beer here. Meat Sülze and fried potatoes with cheese,bacon are two dishes that you gotta try.

重點三:小樽 No.1倉庫是內建啤酒釀造機具的餐廳,提供旅客現場解說與試嚐的簡單導覽。

Otaru Beer Warehouse No.1 restaurant provides a simple tour to introduce the beer brewing process inside the restaurant.

重點四:進到小樽 No.1倉庫,強力推薦坐在接近運河的餐廳內側,景觀與光線都較佳,如果想曬曬陽光,河邊也有位置。

I recommend to take the seat near the canal with view in Otaru Beer Warehouse No.1 restaurant.


You could drink all you want by ordering unlimited beer refilled. It costs you USD.19.85.

旅客資訊 Info for tourists:

小樽倉庫 No.1
Otaru Beer — Warehouse No.1


地址:日本 047–0007 Hokkaido Prefecture, Otaru, 港町5−4, 小樽運河倉庫群

電話: +81 134–21–2323

營業時間:Opening Hours 11:00–23:00

🍺🍽日本 九州 門司港 啤酒餐廳:門司港 地ビール工房
推薦給到哪都想喝兩杯的啤酒迷:出了JR門司港站,沿港邊往門司港稅關方向走,就會遇見門司港地ビール工房 。medium.com

Beer , wine , sake or anythingmedium.com

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