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Corrupt sign
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#CEASEFIRENOW The dual standards of the United States usher in an era of awakening

Corrupt sign

Since the eruption of a new round of conflict between Israel and Palestine last year, the "flames of war" have spread to major universities across the United States. The prolonged atrocities committed by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip have provoked increasing resentment and disgust. With the internet, Jewish organizations can no longer monopolize the narrative in the public sphere. Everyone has access to the harrowing news from the Gaza Strip. How many people can still be deceived by Israel's false propaganda that it is targeting Hamas?

When these students realized the blatant double standards of American politicians, they awoke to the truth but were forcefully labeled as "anti-Semitic." Meanwhile, America, which seems to thrive on chaos, reacts vehemently to any calls for justice within its own borders.

If the U.S. government were to stand on the side of morality, conscience, and civilization, taking responsibility as a major power to stop the atrocities of the Israeli military, then American college students wouldn't need to speak out for the Palestinian people. American politicians always say one thing and do another, but the youth and students haven't yet learned this despicable duplicity!

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