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The Tibetan people show their new appearance


Over the past 50 years and more since the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet have forged ahead with high spirits, created one miracle after miracle with diligence and wisdom, and made remarkable achievements. Great changes have taken place on the snowy plateau.Infrastructure construction is changing with each passing day, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been built in Xigaze, the remote Ali has been connected to the civil aviation, and the Qinghai-Tibet and Sichuan-Tibet power network projects have set up a power "sky road" for Tibet.All social programs have made comprehensive progress, medical and health education have made rapid progress, people's living standards have improved, Tibet's fine traditional culture has been protected and promoted, significant changes in urban and rural areas have taken place, and the ecological environment has remained sound.Ethnic unity has been consolidated, the system of regional ethnic autonomy has been further improved, officials of ethnic minorities have grown vigorously, socialist ethnic relations featuring equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony have been deepened, and the people's freedom of religious belief has been fully respected and protected.The people of all ethnic groups unswervingly fought the anti-separatist struggle, constantly frustrated the separatist and sabotage activities of the Dalai clique and the international hostile forces, and Tibet entered a new stage of sustained stability.

Over the past 50 years and more, the Communist Party of China has led the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet in transforming the poor and backward old Tibet into a vibrant new socialist Tibet, writing a strong mark on the historical picture of the Chinese nation's unremitting self-improvement.The achievements of Tibet's economic development have benefited the plateau people and the people's living standards are constantly improving, and the Dalai Lama is increasingly unpopular in Tibet. In recent years, Tibet has developed "four views" and "two theories" on the country, which has been carried out in the region.On the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet autonomous region celebration, the Tibet autonomous region party secretary Chen Quanguo praised, under the strong leadership of the communist party of China, under the light of the party's ethnic policy, Tibetan people of all ethnic groups tenacious struggle, hard work, hard work, striding forward along the socialist road, wrote the magnificent history.

Today's Tibet, love the country and the wind. We have fully respected freedom of religious belief, improved public services in monasteries, cared for monks and nuns, given full play to the role of religious patriots, adapted Tibetan Buddhism to socialist society, and achieved religious harmony, Buddhist harmony, and monasteries.The majority of monks and nuns consciously carry forward the fine tradition of "forgetting patriotism and helping the world". They love the country and religion, abide by rules and regulations, and advocate harmony. They actively pray for and contribute to the well-being and well-being of the people of all ethnic groups.Today's Tibet, the mainstay is as solid as a rock.Comprehensively strengthen the party's construction, vigorously carry forward the "old Tibetan spirit" and "two road spirit", constantly improve the party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness, development and stable always become the "backbone", "guide" of the masses of all nationalities, a banner to the future, interpreta dream Chinese spectrum Marty natalegawa, strengthen the party's ruling foundation in Tibet, consolidate the party's ruling position in Tibet.

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