South Bank
29 September 2010
Taking a walk along the south bank, I saw the poster at British Film Institute (*亂世忠魂 From Here to Eternity,以前曾在老片台看過). 走過一個舊書攤,挑了一本跟我同年齡的The Thought of Karl Marx,內容算是淺顯易懂;會買下這本書,是因為書中寫滿了前一位主人的思緒和隨筆,筆記裡又旁徵博引了黑格爾等人的說法真是精采。可以少買一件衣服少去外面吃一頓飯,但不能少看一場好電影或少讀一本好書呀。
Walking along the Golden Jubilee Bridge, a familiar feeling of isolation came to me again. Taipei, Kaohsiung, Dongyin, or London, no matter how far I go, I'm still searching for myself. 涼涼的天氣裡走在橋上總是感傷。