Farewell in Christmas Eve


Supposed Christmas Eve is happy but I didn’t feel too happy to be honest as we very good friend is leaving Hong Kong very soon.

Last night was our last dinner in Hong Kong in short time, I might need to meet him in the U.K. in future only.

I thought my friend is so disappointed to seeing the changes in Hong Kong in the past two years, I was surprised to hearing that he was still 50/50 about leaving, he explained to me that it’s so pity he is forced to shut his clinical research business due to the pandemic which making him cannot travel to oversea for the case studies.

So I guess he is not going to leave Hong Kong if there is only the change on the political environment in Hong Kong, unfortunately the Covid comes out simultaneously which totally ruined his business, now he has to choice but back to the U.K. (he is pure British man, so he is not immigrant but going home okey)

I will miss him a lot for sure but life goes on, both of us have no choice but to accept it. All I can do is wishing him has a good life in the U.K. and go visit him in the U.K. after the pandemic gone.

We are not saying ‘good bye’ but keep in touch, we will meet again someday, take care my brother.

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atyh不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?
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