James Charles
Looking out for the answer to “HOW TO GET MY JEWELRY DESIGNS MANUFACTURED”. Here is how you can get started with your very own jewelry brand.

Now as you have already chosen your particular niche, It’s time to start working on designs. You can start this by researching the market trends and customers’ perspectives towards those trends. Once you have in-depth knowledge regarding your market needs, start working on your unique and beautiful designs. A really great way to start is to have a unique selling point(USP) and work on your design considering that particular USP. After selecting your USP it's time to hit the designing.


The easiest way to check how your design will turn out as a product is to make its 3D model. The advantage here is that it is free and can give your idea a pictorial representation. To make a 3D model, a good 3D printer is required to achieve a finished design. This model once completed will give you an overlook of your product's design & Shape.


Once you got your 3D model, use it to make a mold for your design. This mold will assist you to make that design every time almost the same as per your requirement. The cast once made is now a template for that particular design. 

Now work on your whole collection till this process, so that you can give it to your manufacturer to mass produce jewelry you designed. From here onwards your proper manufacturing process is going to take place.


As you have your design now with you, it is time to find the manufacturer who can meet your expected requirements, design & quality needs. When looking for a manufacturer, keep these things in your mind:

  • The manufacturer is preferably a local one ( as this will reduce the overall cost of your product although if they are not able to meet your standards, then you can easily go for beyond local vendors)
  • They have experts in the required field.
  • They offer the latest technology for the purpose.
  • They have a good reputation for using high-end materials for required jewelry
  • They can meet your current business needs for high-volume jewelry manufacturing.

These things will help you in finding the right custom jewelry manufacturers for your beautifully designed jewelry.


After selecting the manufacturer for your products, It is the perfect time to order your statement pieces. This process starts with the construction of individual components. These components are first molded into their desired shape. In the very next step, the components are polished and transformed into the required shape. This fabrication process can take from 3 days to a few weeks, depending on how much work was required for a single piece. Once the piece is completed it is set for its next process of production.


As the individual components are now finished, it is on its way to assembling them as a single product. It might include adding just a single stone on top of your ring or it might be the manufacturing of the whole necklace with tons of jewels and gems. Once the jewelry is assembled, it went through the finishing process. It follows up the sanding and polishing for most cases.

So there you have it, your marvelous and beautifully designed jewelry. But are you done with your work by just making these spectacular pieces? Obviously not. So here is how you can land and sell your jewelry to the marketplace and make it popular among users.


Start your brand with a simple yet effective name. As the Brand name is the face of the business, it should be chosen based on your targeted market and be easy to remember. Once you have decided on your brand name, start developing your marketing strategy. For this, 1st step is to choose the medium through which you are going to connect with your audience and set your business up for running. If you are not into making your own website and want to work on established mediums for selling items, Amazon, Ali express and Ali baba are some of the top leading brands that provide you with easy and accessible delivery services to your customer for decent prices. Otherwise, if you want to save yourself from the above-mentioned hassle, running your business on your website is a great way to start with. 

Once you are open for business, It’s time for promotions. You also have various options here. Starting from free ones, social media is the top medium to promote your business. Apps like Instagram, Pinterest, and many other mobile apps can help you to promote your business by posting photos and videos of your jewelry and other related items on sale. You can also work on your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for getting organic traffic for your online Shop.

For paid promotion, the best way is to run (Pay-Per-Click) PPC and paid marketing. You can run ads for your product across the internet and start talking about it. The more they see, the more they retain your brand name. It will create a sense of trust in other people’s minds and hence they will be more willing to buy jewelry from you than from your competitors. In this tactic, you might have to lose a few bucks, but in the end, the results after this burn are worth it. 

Once your brand is a success, you can further automate the current system, so that, you will be able to work on new designs and ideas for your Brand.


Jewelry designing is a creative & tedious job. If you are interested in building your jewelry brand and getting to know the information about “Where and How to get my jewelry designs manufactured?” you need to take care of these key points. First, get a proper education/experience through an authorized institute. Then work on 3-D designs of your jewelry. After that, build molds for your statement pieces. Then hire a professional manufacturer for the mass production of your products. Once finished and delivered to your doorstep, start working on the brand-building strategy of your business. For this purpose, select a small, easy, and catchy name for your company. Then choose the right platform for the promotion of your small business. In case of having spare funds, also add PPC marketing to your strategy for the ultimate productive results. In this way, you can start your very own jewelry business with your unique selling features in your custom business.



James CharlesI am James Charles. I am working at Custom Fashion Jewels.
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