春節,朋友JUDY為我準備了中國傳統節日的賀卡。我選了一首歌作為答謝。我很喜歡二十多年前毛阿敏唱的一首歌, 在網上找到鏈接, 再聽依舊熱淚盈眶。
I try to translate the lyrics (The meaning of the lyrics)
Sing The Same Song Together
Flowers* have told me what road you have traveled.
The earth understands every thought in your heart.
Everyone dreams of sweetness and happiness.
We finally got together today.
We have climbed countless mountains and crossed countless rivers
We will always remember every meeting and each other's smiling faces.
happy days in the sun.
We hold hands, we have so many ideas to express.
Children are always full of fantasies about the stars in the sky.
The wind will blow all over the earth, and the rain will moisten every inch of the earth.
People will find the same feeling,
will find the same needs and dreams.
people will find common joy.
we can sing the same song together.
The sun shines on every race,
All languages can speak of the beauty of spring.
People will find the same feeling,
people will find common joy.
we can sing the same song together.
(Explain: flowers simile glory in here. )
JUDY 回覆:Thanks for translating the lyrics of the song for us. They are so meaningful and a strong and powerful message for 2022!