Finally feel some vibe of Lunar New Year


Hello my friends, today is still the Lunar New Year holiday in Hong Kong, I am still act like very lazy 😅 as you might already know that the pandemic in HK is getting worse recently, many people rather not visiting to the other home for celebrating the Lunar New Year, that’s why I said I hardly feel any vibe of the Lunar New Year this year 😨

I have stayed at home for 6 days already and never leave my estate, I can’t hold it anymore today and my mom asks if I have interested to take a walk in the Aeon supermarket as they do have many items discount on Wednesday! Well, it’s good idea for both of us to killing time.

I noticed that there is nearly nobody on the street while we are on the way to the Aeon supermarket, I can’t really tell it’s because the pandemic or it’s holiday so people don’t really go to the street.

Anyway, it’s good for me to go down today as I finally see some lunar new year decorations in the malls in person, and I can feel some vibe of the lunar new year 🥳

No wonder there is no people on the street, all of them are downstairs in the supermarket 😅 how attractive the big sales day is, people don’t buy anything until the Wednesday 😂

I only bought some snacks in Chinese New Year eve, but sounds I am under estimate my self discipline, I ate all of them in just 2 days because I am always stay at home during the holiday🤭

We tried our best to grab as many snacks as we can, but we just can’t get too many because we only got 2 backpacks 😬 we ended up bought about US$30 of the snacks plus some groceries in the supermarket, not too bad huh🥳

Tomorrow my nieces will come to our home 拜年 (visiting our home and take us some gift, then we give the kids red envelope with some money,that’s our custom during lunar new year), really can’t wait to see them as I haven’t see them for a month 🥰

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atyh不再美食王, 舊時代的遺物, Web 3.0的新世代, 還有我的一席位嗎?
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