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Guitarist Dr. MJL劉明睿
Brahms' Intermezzo and Pogorelich

There’s No Such Thing as “Over-Played” Classics

鋼琴家波哥雷利奇(Ivo Pogorelich)詮釋布拉姆斯的間奏曲(Intermezzo: Andante teneramente, op. 118, no. 2)比大多數人演奏得慢。然而,即便在緩步調的流動下,波哥仍能讓點狀樂器的鋼琴在手中完美地連結成樂線。
Pianist Ivo Pogorelich's interpretation of Brahms' Intermezzo (Andante teneramente, op. 118, no. 2) is slower than most. However, even at this unhurried pace, Pogorelich masterfully connects the piano’s punctuated notes into seamless musical lines.

Some might find this rendition somewhat languid, but doesn't the delicate, understated emotion speak for itself?

Do you remember to whom Brahms dedicated his Op. 118?

Johannes Brahms: 6 Klavierstücke, Op.118 (IMSLP)

劉明睿博士, 台灣古典吉他家、作曲家、教育家 FB: mingjuiliuguitarist
Dr. Ming-Jui Liu, Taiwanese classical guitarist, composer, and educator

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


Guitarist Dr. MJL劉明睿台灣吉他家劉明睿博士 關於音樂與吉他彈奏的我思我想,長度以及更新的時間不定,歡迎贊助窮苦音樂家加速產出。 現代人/媒體似乎有越寫越短或偏好影音呈現的傾向,但我依舊喜歡以網誌/blog的方式呈現...與大家分享!
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