美国名嘴Tucker Carlson 告诉你为何Biden 不会参加2024大选

On 7/15/22 episode of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight', Tucker Carlson examines the mental decline of President Biden.

开场,Tucker 从Iowa向观众问好。接着开始讲故事。

故事从一个辅佐过美国三任总统的医生讲起。医生名叫Ronnie Jackson, 他辅佐过三任美国总统,可谓元老级太医了。

Here's an interesting story. Ronnie Jackson as a physician he joined the white house medical unit many years ago under President George W. Bush. He stayed in that job and went on serve as physician for two subsequent presidents Ronnie Jackson knows a lot about what it takes to run the country.

Ronnie Jackson


During the 2020 Presidential campaign Jason was upset at home watching Joe Biden deliver a Speech, that worried him deeply as a physician. He Just announced he was candidate for U.S. Senate.


Ronnie Jason saw that and then went on twitter and made the obvious point, Joe Biden.

Ronny Jason twitter suggested Joe Biden needs cognitive test


Before this goes any further should undergo a cognitive examination, the country deserves that. Within 20 minutes, Jason recalls in this new Memoir, Barack Obama sent him an email. I have to express my disappointment that the CHEAP shot you took at Joe Biden via twitter, Obama said. It was unprofessional. I expect Better.


Tucker 解读,这不仅仅是奥巴马,整个民主党都在保Biden



That wasn't just Obama speaking, that was the uniform command of people who run the Democratic party through the 2020 Campaign. Do not notice what Joe Biden is actually like. You see him on television, turn away because you might conclude he is fundamentally, physically, cognitively unfit for office. But you can't say that and if you do Obama will blame you immediately. Fast forward a few years, Joe Biden's president and his mental decline is no longer possible to deny. Therefore it is no longer off-limits.

Tucker放了各个左媒公开讨论Biden脑退化问题,开来他们要抛弃Joe 了。

Barack Obama isn't going out and defending Joe Biden's competence anymore. Everybody watching, Everybody in the media including Barack Obama's former advisors is now in conclusion the Joe Biden cannot govern the US.

左媒要面子,放烟雾弹说biden 不适合竞选因为他是白人。应该给少数族裔机会。tucker 直接戳穿谎言,鬼才在乎biden 皮肤颜色。

So the problem with Joe Biden is that He is white. That is the casual racism of the left. 2022, it is obviously, you barely even notice it. That's not the problem with Joe Biden, who cares what his skin color.

Tucker 直接指出Biden患有老年痴呆症的事实!这个病症只会随着年龄增长恶化。而这一切早在三年前就有迹象。接着播放2019年一个采访,记者问Biden关于川普对中国打贸易战,还有中国黑客入侵的事情,Biden整整4分钟的回答简直就是各种形容词,名词堆砌,完全没有任何有见解的观点。

The problem with Joe Biden as he is cognitively unable to serve. But take three steps back, that is not Joe Biden's fault, it's not his fault the has dementia. The fact that Joe Biden is president is an incident of the media, the democratic party. Because they have known, not sure what they are telling you now. Joe Biden's decline, his full-blown senility been obvious for more than 3 years. We noticed it and we are not doctors. BTW, we had no special animus towards Joe Biden, at all. But we watched it. We checked today.

So we put that on the air back in 2019, not because we are particularly against Joe Biden. We happen to be watching one day and we were trying to follow what he was saying about China. Because it seemed important. Not one national news organization had noted at all.


If you are an American, there is no upside, this is horrible for our Country.

老年痴呆不断恶化的Biden,洋相不断。这一周在以色列的演讲,说啥holocaus, 都是啥,火星语吗?

Biden announced that we have to keep alive the 'Honor of the holocaust'. 'Continue, which we must do every, every day continue to bear witness and keep alive the turth and honor of the holocaus'


Do we win a prize? No, we watch out Country degrade.

Tucker继续发问,谁的操纵让这个老痴呆来代表美国的? 谁让他当选的!

You have to ask, who did this to the rest of us, who is responsible for putting this guy in a position where he is elected president?

接着Tucker给了一系列该对此负责的人。包括Jen O'Malley Dillon, 拜登2020 竞选经理,现任白宫副局长;Susan Rice 美国国内政策委员会主任; Ron Klain 白宫幕僚长; Dr Jill 拜登老婆;Mike Donilon 美国总统高级顾问; Anita Dunn 美国总统高级顾问; Brian Deese 美国国家经济委员会主任。 当然最大的大Boss 就是前总统奥巴马!这些人都很清楚拜登患老年痴呆的事实,可是为了个人利益,他们把他推上总统的位置!其实这些人才是大Boss们。

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