What is Yield Guild games and their magnificent territory?

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What is Yield Guild Games? Yield Guild Games is a game guild composed of 2500 members who believe in and practice the "play-to-earn" (play-to-earn) concept, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), and its owners are all investors and Players. Among them, the investor is responsible for the initial investment, the player is responsible for participating in the game, and the guild surplus is reinvested to purchase virtual assets and land in the game.

Gabby Dizon, the founder of Yield Guild, said in an interview with Games Beat that as an early fan of Axie Infinity (a pet battle blockchain game with a play and earn mode), he discovered that the COVID-19 pandemic caused up to 40% in the Philippines. At the same time as the unemployment rate, local players making money by playing games have become a way of earning living expenses. This made him think of the idea of forming a game guild and eventually developed it into a large organization that participates in many games at the same time.

"Most people are just desperately earning money," Dizon said. "Some people start playing Axie Infinity simply because they are blockchain and crypto enthusiasts, but they soon discovered that they can earn a minimum wage by playing this game. They may not know what a digital wallet is, and they have experienced all the obstacles to entering the blockchain world, but when they make money by playing games, it’s sparkling fire, especially when people watch When the income from playing games with friends around me is more than their daily work. I realized that this is a kind of expandable thing. People can join a certain game guild and make money by cooperating to play games, and this guild and the world Communities from all over the world cooperate and participate in various games of building an economic ecology on the blockchain. Now is the time to organize."

Every YGG scholarship player gets an NFT loaned by YGG and is trained by a community manager. In exchange for the loan and training obtained, YGG takes 10% of the player’s future income from playing games (the community manager gets 20% of the revenue, and the player retains 70%). YGG scholarship players can earn 150-200 SLP every day.

Assuming that scholarship players take a weekend vacation, the potential income of each scholarship is $11,700 per year, or each scholarship player brings $1,170 to YGG's vault each year. At this rate, assuming that the price of SLP does not increase and the number of scholarship players does not increase, 2020 alone means an annual revenue opportunity of $3.8 million. Assuming that YGG continues to maintain the rapid growth rate of this scholarship player, in the next 2 to 3 years, the guild can only generate cash flow from the Axie scholarship program that is several times the current revenue.

What is Yield Guild Games goal is to promote this initial concept and bring the "Play-to-Earn" game method to millions of gamers around the world. Although most Defi projects collect billions of dollars of total value lock (TVL) from relatively few wealthy people, YGG’s goal is to help other people in the world start playing games and make money, and contribute to the new Metaverse economy. make a contribution.

Yield Guild Games DAO is able to screen these games early based on the attractiveness and feedback of its player guilds, and therefore invests in relevant underlying network valuations. Suppose that YGG’s average investment in each game is $50,000, and the average value of the game is $15 million: even if nine out of ten of these games fail completely, as long as one reaches Axie’s level of success, it’s for the guild It is also an 8-9 digit income opportunity, which includes both the return on investment and the holding of early "play while earning" game rewards in the game's subDAO.

What is Yield Guild Games current status? Yield Guild Games has purchased a large number of NFT assets in many blockchain games, such as virtual land and equipment assets on Decentraland, Axie Infinity, Sandbox and League of Kingdoms. Coupled with the play to earn mode mosaic, it will attract a large number of players. Players who only started playing games during the global epidemic will continue to consume game products and maintain games as a form of leisure and entertainment. Undoubtedly, more players will continue to enter the game market in the future, and Yield Guild Games will also inject new vitality into the metaverse.

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