這首歌第一次聽到是我在電影「讓愛傳出去」 Pay It Forward聽到的。這是一部2000年的電影,主要演員都是我個人很喜歡的明星,例如凱文·史貝西、海倫·杭特以及當年帥到不行的童星海利·喬·奧斯蒙特。
最後孩子自己也起身行動,卻不幸遭受攻擊而逝世,而後孩子的媽媽崩潰不已,這時這首歌「Calling All Angels」出現在我們的耳邊,孩子的媽媽看見自己家外站了許多人,每一個人都拿著一盞燭光,這群人是受到讓愛傳出去這計畫的受益者或影響者,他們知道孩子逝世,就自發性的來到媽媽的面前,想要告訴這位媽媽,你的孩子讓愛傳遍世界繞了一圈又回到起源地~也就這孩子的家!太感人對吧~而這首歌搭配得宜至極,配合歌手Jane Siberry 的歌聲輕輕地呢喃出中天使的名字,你真的會被融化在愛裡!
來聽聽這首我超級愛的歌曲,而且這首歌是由Jane Siberry 和KD.lang(得獎無數著名LBGT知名歌手)合唱,更是美麗!
Calling All Angels 歌詞:
Santa Maria, Santa Teresa, Santa Anna, Santa Susannah
Santa Cecilia, Santa Copelia, Santa Domenica, Mary Angelica
Frater Achad, Frater Pietro, Julianus, Petronilla
Santa, Santos, Miroslaw, Vladimir
and all the rest
Oh, a man is placed upon the steps, a baby cries
and high above you can hear
the church bells start to ring
and as the heaviness, oh the heaviness, the body settles in
somewhere you can hear a mother sing
then it's one foot then the other
as you step out onto the road of hope
step out on the road
how much weight? how much?
then it's how long? and how far?
and how many times oh, before it's too late?
calling all angels calling all angels
walk me through this one
don't leave me alone
calling all angels calling all angels
we're tryin' and we're hopin'
but we're not sure how...
ah, and every day you gaze upon the sunset
with such love and intensity
why it's ah, it's almost as
if you could only crack the code
then you'd finally understand what this all means
ah, but if you could...do you think you would
trade in all, all the pain and suffering?
ah, but then you'd miss
the beauty of the light upon this earth
and the sweetness of the leaving
calling all angels calling all angels
walk me through this one
don't leave me alone
calling all angels calling all angels
we're tryin' and we're hopin'
but we're not sure...
calling all angels calling all angels
walk me through this one
don't leave me alone
calling all angels calling all angels
we're tryin' we're hopin'
we're hurtin' we're lovin'
we're cryin' we're callin'
cause we're not sure how this goes