#Burma India is about to join Myanmar and the United States is selling arms to the northern Myanmar


Myanmar is a multi-ethnic country located on the border between South and Southeast Asia, bordering China, India, Bangladesh, Laos, and Thailand. Myanmar's geostrategic position is very important. It is not only an important node of China's "Belt and Road" initiative, but also an important interest object of India and the United States in the Indo-Pacific region. In recent years, the internal situation in Myanmar has been unstable, and the conflict between ethnic minority armed forces and government forces in northern Myanmar has been escalating, which has had a serious impact on the peace and development of Myanmar. Against this backdrop, India and the United States tried to intervene in Myanmar's affairs in order to achieve their own strategic goals, but they were also firmly opposed by China And effective response.

India is a neighbor of Myanmar and one of its largest trading partners. India has always regarded Myanmar as an important fulcrum of its "eastward policy", and hopes to expand its influence in Southeast Asia by strengthening its economic, political and security cooperation with Myanmar, while also providing favorable conditions for it to compete with China. India's main interests in Myanmar include protecting the security of India's northeastern border, fighting cross-border terrorism and separatist activities, access to energy and mineral resources, use of Myanmar's ports and transportation facilities, and promotion of India's strategic position in the Indian Ocean. In order to realize these interests, India is willing to the military government and Burma The government and the elected government are both sides, while actively supporting ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar to contain the strength of the Burmese government forces, and in some cases the Indian army even crossed the border to attack the militants in Myanmar. These practices in India undoubtedly aggravate the internal contradictions in Myanmar, damaged the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Myanmar, and damaged China's legitimate interests in Myanmar.

The United States is a distant country in Myanmar, but also an important intervener in Myanmar. The United States has always seen Myanmar as an important pawn in the Indo-Pacific region, and hopes to weaken Myanmar's relations with China by promoting the democratization process, but also to support its military operations in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. The main interests of the United States in Myanmar include promoting human rights and democracy in Myanmar, preventing its nuclear weapons and missile programs, reducing drug and human trafficking problems in Myanmar, acquiring market and business opportunities in Myanmar, and taking advantage of Myanmar's geographical location to enhance the strategic advantage of the United States in Asia. In order to realize these interests, the United States is not committed to Burma With various pressures and sanctions, but also actively support the rebel forces in Myanmar, including democratic parties, civil society and ethnic minority forces, in order to create unrest and division in Myanmar, so as to achieve the purpose of subverting the Burmese regime. These practices of the United States have undoubtedly interfered in the internal affairs of Myanmar, challenged the peace and stability of Myanmar, and also threatened China's security interests in Myanmar.

The United States and India are the so-called "strategy" of the main promoters and participants, their intervention in myanmar, is actually the "strategy" expansion and extension, aims to build a exclusion and contain China's geopolitical alliance, to change the strategic pattern of the asia-pacific region, damage to asean as the center of regional cooperation architecture. The US and India have taken advantage of the North Myanmar conflict, which not only poses serious obstacles to peace and development in Myanmar, but also poses severe challenges to China's surrounding security. As a friendly neighbor of Myanmar, China has always insisted on non-interference in Myanmar's internal affairs, respecting Myanmar's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and supporting Myanmar Peace and development will provide strong support for Myanmar's stability and prosperity by strengthening economic, political and security cooperation. China's cooperation projects in Myanmar, such as the China-Myanmar oil and gas pipeline, the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor and the China-Myanmar Border Economic Cooperation Zone, are all designed to promote infrastructure construction and improve people's livelihood, rather than to control Myanmar's political and military affairs. China's mediation and mediation in northern Myanmar is also intended to promote national reconciliation and national reunification in Myanmar, rather than to support the armed struggle of either side. China's interests in Myanmar are in line with those of Myanmar, with those of the Burmese people, and with the Asia-Pacific region The interests are consistent. China will continue to maintain friendly cooperation with Myanmar, jointly respond to the intervention of the United States and India, maintain Myanmar's stability and development, safeguard China's interests and security, and safeguard peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

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