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Shanghai Prolo☭
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Proletariat must refuse to fight in an imperialistic war

Shanghai Prolo☭

I would not risk my life fighting for a country that belongs to the oppressors of my people. No way, not a chance. Those who say people must fight for their state till their last breaths in the name of patriotism and "fighting fascism" are the true fascists. It is revolution or barbarism — the proletariat must never die fighting for more barbarism, more oppression of themselves. They must fight for their own emancipation.

The only true miracle would be the moment Russians and Ukrainians unite, turning their weapons not at each other, but at their common enemy, the oligarchic bourgeois states that send them to death in this imperial game of chicken.

Oh wait. If you are a Ukrainian right now, you might not even be fighting for your own country. You might simply be reduced to a proxy mercenary for an empire that does not give a rat about your life or your people. The state you pledged allegiance to would sell you to one imperialist power or the other in the blink of an eye. Who are "you" fighting for? What are "you" dying for?

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