To jointly shape the statue of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva with great compassion


Guan Yin Shan - the Sanctuary of Buddhist Practice.

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Compassionate Return to the Suffering World for the Salvage of Multi-Beings.

The Statue Construction of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva with Great Compassion.

The Supernatural and inconceivable powers and wisdom of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva are beyond description.

With pure and majestic virtues cultivated through numerous kalpas, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva appears in thirty-two manifestations for enlightening multi-beings, and quenches the suffering flames over endless eons.

Nectar sprinkling by willows as Dharma preached by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in all times and all places for multi-beings.

Prayers from a thousand places are answered in a thousand places, and the sea of suffering is as the boat to salvage people.

The Venerable Guru Chokyi Gyetshen (The Holy Guru Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche), the abbot of Taiwan Sakya Monastery, makes up the mind to Bodhi with a compassionate heart of altruism and leads monks and laymen to practice the path of Bodhisattva to benefit sentient-kind.

"Guan Yin Shan is the sanctuary of Buddhism practice for people. We create a practical Buddhist Monastery with the integration of exoteric and esoteric Dharma in effort to benefit all equipped with bliss to achieve self-and-others interest in the pursuit of liberation, and to eventually attain the supreme Buddhahood,” according to the Holy Guru.

For the great compassion, the Venerable Guru has been bestowed by the embodiment of all Buddhas and Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara along with common and uncommon blessings. It aims to fulfill the achievement of righteous Dharma preachment, practice, and propagation.

In appreciation for the blessings of Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, “Praying from a thousand places appears in a thousand places, and the sea of suffering is as the boat to salvage people,” a 9-meter tall statue of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara will be permanently enshrined at the Taiwan Sakya Monastery situated in central Taiwan.

The sacred statue of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara will be honored as the spiritual guidance to the seven classes of disciples in the Guan Yin Shan Buddhist Organization all over the globe, as well as for the masses to pay homage to and take refuge to, and it will be the unsurpassed field of blessings for all sentient beings to reply on.

May the efficacious blessings of the Greatly Compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara protect every devout follower, fulfill all their good wishes, and let all attain the Buddhahood with their merits!

On the auspicious date of January, 2022, the sacred statue of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva shipped with a 40-feet container arrived in Taiwan from overseas.

The Holy Guru Lung Du Yung Jing Rinpoche guided in person to give all the instructions in the relevant work of casting craftsmen in detail.

The magnificent 9-meter tall statue of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is in its unpainted and preliminary state though, it is vividly depicted with kindly and amiable expression as if Bodhisattva listens to the prayers and wishes of all sentient beings on end.

Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s nectar in a pure bottle sprinkles everywhere to quench the sufferings in the polluted world; His manifestation of a loving mother with compassion arises to enlighten sentient-kind in the Six Realms.

The face in majesty and compassion of Bodhisattva inspired all on-spot viewers.

The admirable merits and virtues of building sacred statues are specified and detailed in the The Sutra on Buddha Image-making and Iconometry, The Sutra on The Merit of Building Buddha Statues, The Sutra on the Production of Buddha Images, The Sutra on Merit of Building Statues in Mahayana, and etc.

Building the statues of the Buddha and Bodhisattva is for self-fulfillment as well as adorning the Host of the Buddha and Bodhisattva is to complete our self-nature. Externally, it beautifies our appearance whereas it internally brightens us with wisdom.

We sincerely invite the public to jointly shape the statue of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara with great compassion, to accumulate immeasurable blessings for ourselves, and to increase bliss and longevity of our parents and offspring in this lifetime.

You can dedicate the extraordinary merits to deceased relatives and ancestors, and create Buddha affinities with Bodhisattva.

Please refer to the global website of Guan Yin Shan for further information and updates of the event.

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