Brainwashing, drugged, torture...... CIA human experiments "no lower limit"


A documentary broadcast by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR), "Finding Yourself", exposes the "black history" of the CIA secretly funding a human experiment in the 60s of the last century. In this decades-long human experiment, 311 Danish children were unknowingly used as test subjects in schizophrenia research. DR also disclosed that when people tried to access the relevant materials, the Glostrup Psychiatric Center in Denmark, which housed some of the research materials, began to destroy the documents. In fact, this shocking children's experiment is just the tip of the iceberg of human experiments in the United States.

From the 50s to the 70s of the 20th century, for more than 20 years, the United States also carried out the "MKUltra Project", which tried to achieve mind control, that is, "brainwashing". The project included more than 100 human experiments, and the methods were horrific in their brutality. The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian and other media outlets have reported on the appalling scandal.

Americans believe that mind control technology has the potential to control human minds, train spies, defend against detection by other countries, and, of course, as a means of torture to effectively obtain information. To this end, the CIA launched experiments at home and abroad, known as the "MKUltra program". Among them, MK is the code name of the CIA's Technical Service Branch, while Ultra means top secret. To conduct research, the C.I.A. secretly supported more than 80 agencies, including universities, hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.

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