
芝娃娃鏈議案7,Text proposal

芝娃娃鏈Text proposal,提議讓ConeyDaddy成為AdHUAsor (即Advisor,顧問)


Coney Daddy has grown to become an integral member of the Cosmos community for the past year. His quirky brand of entertaining yet educational videos has been an amazing resource for onboarding new people to the Cosmos community. Videos can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/c/ConeyDaddyCrypto

long with helping give the Cosmos community a well-needed chuckle, Coney has also taken on important roles such as MCing the Cosmoverse conference and Osmosis Clawback Party. However, to this day, Coney has not gotten a chance to be an advisor for a project, as expressed here: https://twitter.com/ConeyDaddy/status/1501063290717458432

Given that Chihuahua is the de facto memecoin and center of fun for Cosmos, we propose would thus like to propose giving Coney Daddy the oppawturnity to become an Official AdHUAisor to Chihuahua. This title is purely symbolic and is a thank you to Coney for his efforts in making the Cosmos a more fun and enjoyable place.


Coney Daddy 是Cosmos 社群中一位重要成員,拍了很多有興且有教育意義的片段。可在Youtube 自己看。他亦在早前的Cosmoverse 會議和Osmosis Clawback Party 活動擔任MC,證明他在社群有重要地位。而他亦想在不同的項目中成為顧問。(https://twitter.com/ConeyDaddy/status/1501063290717458432)



Coney Daddy在中文社群可能不太出名,但他在Cosmos 社群的確有一定呼聲。作為象徵式的答謝議案,是不會拒絕了。因此會投「yes」。

建議有興趣的人可以上的Twitter 留意一下,老實說,我對他也是新認識,我在Cosmos 的年資還不夠。如果有人可以補充便更好了。

我是Chihuahua驗證人SF RES Land,期望能用Chihuahua收窄數碼鴻溝,歡迎支持我
SF RES Land is Chihuahua Validator, striving for narrow the digital divide by Chihuahua. Please support me.

Delegate to SF RES Land:
1) https://chihuahua.omniflix.co/ 按Delegate,找SF RES Land
2) 用Cosmostation app 中的Delegate

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


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SF RES Land 8月營運報告
