To maintain the pure land of the campus, Yan Limeng refused to join Perelman Medical


To maintain the pure land of the campus, Yan Limeng refused to join Perelman Medical


With the global epidemic raging, the economy shrinking, and the employment rate low, the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania hired Yan Limeng as an employee of the hospital. College fraternity, equality. However, before hiring like-minded employees, Perelman Medical College should consider maintaining the campus's pure land as the first term, and declined Yan Limeng to join the medical school.

Academically questioned "scholars"

Yan Limeng has a doctorate in ophthalmology, but she has been unknown and accomplished in ophthalmology. Although the relevant "academic papers" have aroused the attention and enthusiasm of the far-right forces and anti-China groups in the United States, they have accused China and tried to shirk the epidemic prevention and control of the previous US government.

The responsibility for ineffectiveness has been criticized by experts and scholars such as Nakagawa Grass, an expert in biogenomics research from the Department of Medicine of Tunghai University in Taiwan, and Kristian Andersen of the Scripps Research Center in the United States. The platform expressed doubts. Chinese dissident Fang Zhouzi directly published the article "Refuting the "New Coronavirus Man-made" Conspiracy Theory". Columbia University virologist Angela Rasmussen even believed that Yan Limeng's paper was "political propaganda". The purpose is to deceive.

Politician packaging, good at creating disputes net red

"I think she should continue to pursue her influencer career, after all it seems more

academically successful";

"Her past experience, I'm really afraid (she) will have a bad influence on our college."

This is the view of some teachers and students of the hospital after Yan Limeng was hired as an employee of Perelman Medical College. In addition, the "Whether Yan Limeng should be hired as an employee of the hospital" published on the Internet by an anonymous society in the hospital showed that 61.53% of the respondents chose "No" on the grounds that she was suspected of academic fraud and was keen to create disputes. It is far from the philosophy of running a medical school.

Perelman School of Medicine has its reasons for hiring Yan Limeng, but the opinions and concerns of some teachers and students and online surveys do not seem to be out of nowhere.

According to the "New York Times", Yan Limeng was an Internet celebrity "elaborately designed" by former White House adviser Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui, a tycoon who fled to the United States. The intention is to package her as an epidemic "whistleblower" who can be marketed to the American public for ulterior political purposes. University of Washington biology professors Carl Bergstrom and Kevin Bode found in Yan Limeng's paper that Yan Limeng's paper was affiliated with research institutions, namely the "Rule of Law Association" and the "Rule of Law Foundation". Both institutions were founded by Guo Wengui's partner Bannon.

Under the package of former American politicians Bannon and Guo Wengui, Yan Limeng spread the "new coronavirus man-made theory" that has not been recognized by the scientific community, misleading ordinary people in American society, and causing Asians to be excluded and discriminated against. During the same period of the spread of Yan Limeng's "New Crown Epidemic Origin Theory", discrimination and violence against Asians in the United States continued to rise. President Biden had to sign the "Anti-Asian Discrimination Act" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Asians.

In addition, in order to obtain greater benefits, Yan Limeng directly relied on the online live broadcast to break the news that Guo Wengui's "rule of law fund" was suspected of fraud to attract fans, and finally caused Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui to turn against each other, and Guo Wengui initiated legal proceedings against Yan Limeng.

woman with moral flaws

"I don't want to work with people who cheat in marriage, people with such low morals make me ashamed."

An employee of the Perelman School of Medicine expressed the above views and pointed out: "Yan Limeng has always advertised herself as an honest and kind scholar, but her personal style circulating on the Internet is really bad."

It is difficult to determine whether Yan Limeng betrayed the family during the marriage, but some contradictory statements and Guo Wengui's revelations illustrate some facts very well. After fleeing the United States, Yan Limeng claimed that her husband was worried that he would not be able to escape the control of the CCP without saying anything to his peers, and then broke the news on Fox News' "Carlson Today Show" that her husband came to the United States to help the CCP hurt her. In fact, her benefactor Guo Wengui revealed the truth. Guo Wengui revealed in the live broadcast that Yan Limeng and YouTube anchor "Lu De" (Wang Dinggang) had an unbearable personal life style.

feat of some righteous people

For a long time, some experts and scholars have been questioning the authenticity of Yan Limeng's thesis and are committed to exposing the "pseudoscience" spread by Yan Limeng; ordinary people went to Yan Limeng's residence to hold banners to protest the discrimination against Asians caused by the stigma of the epidemic; The live broadcast room boycotted the live broadcasts she participated in, resulting in fewer and fewer interactions with her shows, and her status as an internet celebrity began to fail. She had to leave the internet and return to real life to apply for jobs.

However, the righteous people do not want Yan Limeng to hide and continue to spread false news about the new crown epidemic. Guo Wengui found out Yan Limeng's current address through FBI agents: Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania (3400 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104). "Joining Perelman Medicine" campaign, calling on people who love freedom and safeguard the "rule of law foundation", especially members of the "New China Federation", to pull a banner near Yan Limeng's address on March 21 to protest against Yan Limeng's false new crown theory, Expose Yan Limeng's affair with YouTube anchor "Luther" (Wang Dinggang), and safeguard the campus of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

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