- 《万州公交车打捞潜水员:水下太冷了 我带你们回家》,优酷视频,2018-11-02。 ↩
- 《汉语大词典》/第3793页。 ↩
"Materialism and Idealism should not be used to distinguish right from wrong"
Materialism and idealism should not be used to distinguish right from wrong.
Should "materialism" devalue the spirit?
The tomb is a place to be buried after death. Later generations can worship and remember their predecessors. Officials include the revolutionary public offering, the Babaoshan public offering, and the crystal coffin.
National anthem
The national anthem of the music broadcast in the live broadcast of Li Ge lived by Huya was changed (wind).
The important person passed away, and there was a ceremony of lowering half of the flag to show silence. The private company Apple also lowered its flag by half when Jobs died.
Give the date and the meaning of the ship
There are the establishment of the army on August 1st, the National Day on October 1st, etc., which give the meaning of the festival. The ships will also use the name of the previous ship, or the name of the place (Liaoning). There will be holidays on certain holidays, and there will be evening parties during the New Year.
"Please come up"
Accidents often involve the burial of corpses. It is impossible to say that if you die, you will not waste manpower and material resources to salvage the corpses. The ancient Chinese also paid attention to protecting the martyrs ’bodies.
This time, the female driver killed a vehicle and was killed in the river. The salvage staff said that they used the word "please come up" to salvage the body. They would not say salvage the body. Salvage is also carried out as soon as possible, working overtime day and night, so that the corpses can go ashore as soon as possible, "enter the earth for safety." [^ 1]
Does anyone think these actions are "idealistic"?
High-level material that materialism cannot despise——spiritual consciousness
Materialism believes that the basic composition of the world is material, including human consciousness, then human consciousness belongs to advanced material.
It ’s like saying that the world is made up of people, and most people are in a state of madness, vegetative state, or only conditioned reflex. Only a few people can use consciousness to control their state. These people send those people in front to the hospital for “treatment” ". It's like saying that the world is made up of creatures, and that people can currently control other known creatures.
Definition of materialism:
... Think that the world is material by its nature, exists outside human consciousness, and does not depend on human consciousness and exists objectively. [^ 2]
This objective has been said before. Human consciousness is also material according to the previous definition here, so the world should not be said to be "outside human consciousness".
Related Reading:
"Idealism in Buddhism"
"Wang Yangming's Mind Study Is Not" Idealism ""
"If you treat things without adding meaning" (recommended)
"Misunderstanding of Wang Yangming's Mind"
"Relationship and irrelevance of Mao Zedong and psychology"
[^ 1]: "[Wanzhou Bus Salvage Diver: It's too cold underwater I will take you home] (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzkwMDE1MzQ3Ng==.html?sharekey=c86ccd77d6c45b2b2e418cf8afa232683)", Youku Video, 2018-11-02.
[^ 2]: "Chinese Dictionary" / page 3793.
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