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Negative attitude towards crypto

In my entourage, mostly people are a little over 30 or so. Many have families, children, stable income. Life has settled down and goes on in its own way. Many have heard about crypto / bitcoin / ethereum, and even someone there was mining some coins, but it didn’t go any further. For many, associations with crypto and bitcoin are associated with negative news, such as remember the legendary site "The Great Silk Road" and the darknet, you can buy drugs for it, etc. There are even stories 3-4 years ago, when they normally rose on some coins, but then went to zero on a downtrend, and they stopped doing this and following the news. I think many high-ranking officials 40-65 have the following thoughts about cryptocurrencies: “some tokens are incomprehensible bitcoin, ether, many more play with futures on these exchanges and get loans, and then go bankrupt, there are drugs and weapons on their Internet for these bitcoins buy. And in general, it’s all the Americans who want to lead us astray.”
This year, when the entire crypto market began to be advertised by a lot of tik tokers and instabloggers, how you can rise on the crypt through futures and trading, and a lot of young people from 18 to 30 got in there, and starting from the November market fall, many got burned and lost their money on this and started talking almost every iron that the crypt is bad and a scam.
Also, Musk really fucked up with his tweets about dogecoin, when the coin was pumped and many people entered it and as a result, then they also lost everything.
Bad news is coming steadily (especially China), when states ban crypto and attach negative news to it (trafficking in drugs, weapons, money laundering, etc.). After all, the state does not benefit from decentralized exchanges, let alone blockchains, because people can earn a lot of money there and not pay taxes and other fees. Food from banks is even more understandable, because in DEFI projects you can put interest (much higher than in a bank) and borrow in landing applications and send any amount to anywhere in the world with almost no interest. I think banks will gradually join the crypto industry.

But on the other hand, a bunch of 18-23 come into the crypto and eventually will develop this movement. I know a bunch of examples when schoolchildren and students in a short period, thanks to their creativity (memes, articles), raised the annual salaries of their parents and attracted more and more of their acquaintances. There are also many examples when older people, for example, raised big money on Coinlist (for the CIS and the provinces of Russia). So we live in a great time, and over time, there will be a different attitude towards the crypt.

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