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加密飞行 Vol.4 | 技术精神的“回归故里”:Careculture&Toby Shorin


💡Editor's note/编者按

在Pop-up city见到项目方展台和DJ,你可能不会感到惊奇;但如果换成一座流动的诊所呢?Toby Shorin正是一名希望带人们重返健康的治疗师。近年来显学学科的转变已经证明,本世纪的人类或许普遍像Eggy所说的那样”需要治疗“,从匮乏回到繁茂,寻找精神的充盈状态。这让我们想到,对古希腊人来说,疾病不是一种真实的状态,而是对健康的匮乏;医学并不是健康的主宰,而是寻求怎样生成健康。今天对Web3和太阳朋克的种种实践,是否正在将我们引领向一种更加健康与超然的觉醒状态?

At a Pop-up city, encountering project booths and DJs might not surprise you—but what if it were a mobile clinic instead? Toby Shorin is precisely the kind of therapist who hopes to guide people back to a state of well-being. In recent years, shifts in prominent disciplines have suggested that humanity in this century might, as Eggy puts it, universally "need healing." From scarcity to abundance, we are searching for a state of spiritual fulfillment. This reminds us that, for the ancient Greeks, illness was not a real state but a lack of health; medicine was not the master of health but a means to generate it. Could today’s Web3 and Solarpunk practices be leading us toward a healthier and more transcendent state of awakening?

此文是「加密飞行」专栏首辑访谈策划的第四篇,来自友邻社区 SocialLayer 的 Eggy 和 Jiang。作为一群经常在各地巡游的 “飞行员”,他们所带来的独特视野,正是「加密飞行」所想要展示的:一群从过去降落,置身于此刻,并渴望着挑战和探索更好未来的远航者。我们期待着这种展示,能够飞跃语言与物理距离的障壁,成为未来加密公民同现实之间的桥梁。

This article is the third in the first series of interviews for the "Crypto Flight" column, curated by the SocialLayer community members Eggy and Jiang. As a group of "pilots" often journeying across different places, they bring a unique perspective—exactly what "Crypto Flight" aims to showcase: a group of voyagers descending from the past, living in the present, and yearning to challenge and explore a better future. We hope this showcase can transcend barriers of language and physical distance, becoming a bridge between future crypto citizens and the realities they face.

Social Layer × Uncommons
Reporter: Eggy&Jiang
Translator: Loxia
Edit: 0614

「加密飞行」(Crypto Flight)

「加密飞行」(Crypto Flight) 是 Uncommons 的人物访谈专栏,围绕活跃在以太坊及加密世界一线的先锋个体,记录加密现实,生产多元视角,将交谈和日常语言作为方法,化约发生在彼处的遥远真实。取自 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 的 Vol de Nuit(长夜飞逝),象征密码朋克与加密公民飞向世界尽头的挑战和探索精神。

*本专栏接受投稿,公开招募访谈者和译者,欢迎联系WeChat: RealUncommons 投稿或开设你擅长并且感兴趣的专栏。

"Crypto Flight" is a series of interviews by Uncommons, focusing on pioneers active in the Ethereum and crypto world. It documents the reality of the crypto space and produces diverse perspectives, using conversation and everyday language as methods to distill distant and far-off truths. Inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Vol de Nuit (Night Flight), it symbolizes the challenge and exploratory spirit of cypherpunks and crypto citizens as they venture to the ends of the world.

This column welcomes submissions and is open to recruiting interviewers and translators. Feel free to contact via WeChat: RealUncommons to submit your work or start a column on a topic you are passionate about and interested in.

本文为《加密飞行 Vol.4 | 技术精神的“回归故里”:Otherinternet&Toby Shorin》的访谈节选。
访问全文请前往 Uncommons 的

Toby Shorin
Co-founder of Care Culture
Co-founder of Otherinterenet Research Institute

Ph.D Candidate in Design for Social Innovation 
Co-founder of Social Layer

The Network of Public Spaces


I'm interested in pop up cities because I'm interested in different ways communities and subcultures and like internet scenes try to find common ground in your life, and this is one way they're trying to do that. One of the other things that I’m researching is mental health and wellness communities. In those communities, people do body practices and practices you do in dialogue. I think there's a huge wave of interest in wellness and mental health happening right now. And I think part of that is because there is a desire to move from internet-based lifestyles or subcultures to IRL. There have been a lot of internet kind of cult diets like the Ray Peat Diet that now find ground in actual physical practices, and not just diets but like other kinds of body practices get added to that lifestyle.

我关注Pop-up city,因为我对如何让社区、亚文化和网络群体找到公共空间的不同途径很感兴趣,Pop-up city也是尝试之一。我现在所研究的另一种方式是心理健康和保健社区,这些社区有不同的实践,比如身体练习和对话练习。人们对心理健康和保健的兴趣在迅速增长,我认为部分原因是人们渴望从网络生活方式或亚文化中转向现实生活。现在网络上有很多“信仰饮食”,比如Ray Peat Diet,它们现在已经不再仅仅是饮食,还涉及其他的身体实践,进而变成了一种生活方式。


They are kind of a very niche network, but people trying to connect with each other together and like asking the general public to get involved in this.



Ice baths are an example. Originally, they were just an internet meme, but they became really popular online after being promoted by figures like Joe Rogan and Andrew Huberman. Now, doing cold baths has become a way to signal that you're a certain type of person. Places like this (Edge City) incorporate it into what they're doing, and it becomes a cultural Schelling point. This is what I mean by body practices being one of the ways in which internet cultures try to find shared ground in real life.

冷水浴就是一个例子,最初它是一个 meme,后来因为 Joe Rogan 和 Andrew Huberman 的宣传而变得特别流行。现在做冷水浴成了表明自己分类的一种标志。所以这里(Edge City)把它融入活动中,并使之成为一种文化上的“协同点”。通过身体实践,网络文化试图在现实生活(In real life)中找到可分享的立足点。 Toby在Edge Esmeralda的诊所

Web3:A Spiritual Awakening


You’ve done a lot of research on intentional communities in the past. How do you think researching them compares to actually getting involved in one? Do you have any new insights into this concept?



To be honest, I call myself a researcher because I write rigorously, think deeply, and do extensive desk research. However, my article on Vitalia is more of an experience report than traditional research. I paid more attention there since I intended to write about it, acting as both participant and observer. Here, I’m focusing solely on participation without observing as much. Participating feels different from observing and evaluating, which I enjoy because it helps articulate specific insights that aid understanding. However, observing can limit full immersion, right?

我称自己为研究者,因为我写作严谨、思考深入,做了大量案头研究。但我在 Vitalia 写的文章更像是体验报告,而非传统研究。那时我会更有意识地观察,因为我既是参与者又是观察者。但在这里我只专注于参与,不怎么观察。作为参与者的感觉与观察和评估不同。虽然我喜欢评估,因为它能更清晰表达一些见解,但观察有时会妨碍全身心投入。

I’ve long sensed this, but it became clearer here: cultural differences within the tech community. I had a new realization during the death contemplationritual (conducted by Ellie Hain and Ryan Lowe, Edge Esmeralda a healing ritual to experience death). For many in tech, Web3 was a kind of spiritual awakening to the social and moral potential of technology. While it could be due to the exhaustion of the software industry, I believe Web3 and crypto rhetoric stood out from the utopianism of early social media, being more refined and self-driven. Ethereum and even Bitcoin culture embody democratic principles and a liberal ethos.They sparked a revival of these ideas in tech and captured the imagination of a new generation.

现在,我很早就模糊感受到的事情在这里显得更清晰了:科技圈内的文化差异。我在死亡仪式(*Edge Esmeralda中的一个体验死亡的疗愈仪式)中有了一个新的领悟。对许多技术人而言,Web3是一种对技术社会潜力和道德性质的精神觉醒。软件行业的疲惫可能只是部分原因,但我认为 Web3 和加密货币的理念与早期社交媒体的乌托邦主义不同,它更加精炼、自主。以太坊和比特币文化中都有民主原则和自由主义精神,这重新点燃了技术圈内的自由思想,吸引了一代年轻技术人的想象力。


Many people who care about society are linked to crypto, while those who talk about human augmentation often relate to AI. AI focuses on concentrating resources on an individual to create a "super individual," whereas crypto emphasizes interdependence between nodes and a relational philosophy where value comes from mutual reliance, not singular computing power.



That makes sense. A few years ago, some said crypto is libertarian and AI is communist, but it's more accurate to say crypto is liberal, and AI is more like authoritarianism, even leaning towards fascism, because AI centralizes resources and control. 


The "Homecoming" of Technological Spirit


Alright, so what do you think is the biggest challenge in creating startup societies or pop-up cities?



The biggest challenge is the long-standing meritocratic ethos in tech. The in-person movement is exciting but significantly raises the barrier to entry, such as the need for considerable disposable income to get there, which I'm not too happy about.

In the past, many people lived similarly to crypto, seeing themselves as "citizens of the internet" rather than tied to a specific place. They were open to spending time conversing with anyone who reached out. This openness is one of the most valuable aspects of tech culture, and I hope it isn't lost. A key challenge for this movement is preserving this spirit, as it could otherwise turn into a mechanism reinforcing elitism and aristocratic tendencies in tech. This is the most crucial aspect; everything else is secondary.



Johnny and Hamdin, my colleagues, who I met at Vitalia who are here doing enlightenment therapy with me. I think we are shocked at how powerfulwhat we're doing is here and how be good of a container this has been for the work and we're already thinking about how we can, whether there's another way to do it, whether we can do this in another place  again or whether we can make this a permanent fixture of San Francisco. So it remains to be seen what exactly we do with it. And over the next month, We'll try to find a shared vision and see if we can build towards that.

I’m not planning to travel the world year-round, but I’m more interested in creating an experience like a preliminary version—maybe a six-month V0.2 in San Francisco instead of one month. We’re essentially spending our own money now but offering valuable experiences. I believe we can find a way to do this while sustaining our lives, which might be the next step.

我和在 Vitalia 认识的同事们正在进行启蒙疗法,我们对在这里的体验感到惊讶,因为这个空间为我们的工作提供了一个很好的场域。我们已经在考虑,是否有其他方式可以继续这个项目,譬如是否能再在意大利做一次,或是否可以将这变成旧金山的一个常设活动。所以对于接下来我们会如何发展,这还有待观察。我们会努力找到共同的愿景,并且一起建设它。

我不打算整年环游世界,但我更想在这里创造一种体验,这将是一个初步版本,比如在旧金山做一个为期六个月的 Vitalia0.2 版本,而不是一个月。我们现在基本上是在自费,但提供的东西却非常有价值。我认为我们可以找到一种既能保证提供好的东西,又能维持生活的方法。


So do you think this is also part of the infrastructure in those startup societies?



Yes. I mean, it's the spiritual component. It's the healing component. And that's the important part of every culture. I think that's what we're trying to do.



Yeah, do you think any other things are missing when we are talking about the infrastructure for those pop up cities and startup society?Maybe scheduling, ticketing and social vouching? What's missing in your mind? Yesterday we talked a bunch with a bunch of tech people to think about maybe in the community we need the vouching system.



I don’t think that’s necessary—word of mouth is enough. However, I believe the community currency aspect is crucial, as are opportunities for service, such as volunteer work. We should view these spaces as a kind of internet community with roots, similar to something adjacent to Twitter and tech culture. Now, this has taken shape in a specific location, but that location is one of the wealthiest, most exclusive places in the U.S. It’s a rich town with affluent residents, so in many ways, it remains disconnected from reality. If this becomes permanent, it risks turning into “White Flight 2.0.”

White Flight refers to when white residents moved out of cities in the 1960s to build suburban communities, avoiding living alongside Black residents. That’s what concerns me. Therefore, incorporating a service element is essential. It’s clear that many current projects are purely extractive and do not serve a community. A service element needs to be included to maintain the true spirit of the community.




意向性社区 (Intentional Community):指为了实现特定目标而共同生活和合作的人群,这种社区通常有明确的价值观和目标。
白人迁徙 (White Flight):历史上,白人群体由于对种族多样性的恐惧而从城市地区迁移到郊区,导致城市社区的白人比例下降。
行动研究 (Action Research):一种参与式的研究方法,强调在实践中进行研究并通过研究来推动变革。

全文 Shownote

The Network of Public Spaces
一所Pop-up 心灵诊所
A pop-up concept clinic
“Not in a weird neocolonial setting”
Web3:A Spiritual Awakening
The "Homecoming" of Technological Spirit
The Dilemmas of Social Engineers

Social Layer × Uncommons
Reporter: Eggy&Jiang
Translator: Loxia

X @tobyshorin @JimmyRis

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区块链世界内一隅公共空间,一群公共物品建设者,在此碰撞加密人文思想。其前身为 GreenPill 中文社区。
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Social Layer
一个主观的、关系型的、可编程的,由 SBT 构建的社会网络,可以将你的关系价值结晶为链上徽章,你可以在这个网络中呈现出一个体现你的多元角色、价值观和共识的去中心化身份,你也可以通过可组合徽章的将社区中的关系结构编译为代码并开源共享,实现人人可参与的可编程社会网络愿景。
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