DAO 治理讲座简讯 | 研究分享:数字自治的理论面向、补助生态与实践报告

2023年十月,数字自治学术研究团队 Metagov 的几位研究者向我们介绍了他们在 DAO 及更广阔的数字治理、Web3 研究领域的资助项目、线下共居应用等方面的研究和实践成果。讲座共三场,此后也有可能会持续进行。在 DAO 的实践之上,我们共同探寻着去中心化数字治理的限度、可能与浮动的边界。

edited by / Uncommons

speakers / Joshua Tan, Eugene Leventhal, Daniel Kronovet

十月,数字自治学术研究团队 Metagov 的几位研究者向我们介绍了他们在 DAO 及更广阔的数字治理、Web3 研究领域的资助项目、线下共居应用等方面的研究和实践成果。讲座共三场,此后也有可能会持续进行。在 DAO 的实践之上,我们共同探寻着去中心化数字治理的限度、可能与浮动的边界。


Metagov:https://metagov.org/ - 一个跨学科研究团队,构建数字自治的标准和基础设施

Daostar:https://daostar.org/ - 为DAOs提供标准和通用接口

4Seas:https://4seas.io/ - 利用加密游牧主义和技术探索社会问题的创业社会

Uncommons*:https://uncommons.notion.site/ - 加密人文思想汇集的公共空间

*共建 Uncommons 请直接进入  Uncommons 社区 ,联系方式见文末。我们欢迎每一个思考角度 :)


 Open Problems in DAOs |ROAD TO WAMO:Networked Writing

嘉宾:Joshua Tan,Metagov 创始人兼执行董事、牛津大学博士生、卡内基梅隆大学前教员、斯坦福大学执业研究员




摘要:In this paper we describe how researchers can contribute to the emerging science of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and other digitally-constituted organizations. From granular privacy primitives to mechanism designs to model laws, we identify high-impact problems in the DAO ecosystem where existing gaps might be tackled through a new data set or by applying tools and ideas from existing research fields such as political science, computer science, economics, law, and organizational science. Our recommendations encompass exciting research questions as well as promising business opportunities. We call on the wider research community to join the global effort to invent the next generation of organizations.





 《Web3 补助状态报告》| ROAD TO WAMO 

嘉宾:尤金·列文塔尔(Eugene Leventhal),Metagov 首席运营官 & 首席执行官;scrf.io 首席执行官 




From late June to early September 2023, 20 interviews were conducted with individuals across 13 organizations. The results of these interviews have been organized in this document.

Three types of grant programs were covered: active programs, sunset programs, and quadratic funding grant operators. The specific programs covered are as follows:

The 11 active and sunset grant programs have issued upwards of half of a billion dollars worth of grants. Four programs have issued or committed at least $50m in grants - Algorand (~$100m), Ethereum (~$110m), NEAR (~$540m), and Solana (~$50m). If we include grant round operators, Gitcoin would also make the list, having facilitated over $50m dollars worth of grants. Across all of the covered programs. Over 5,900 grants were issued.

This report by no means covers all there is to cover about granting in web3. It is a working doc that will evolve as we get more feedback and input from the community. However, we do hope it serves as an additional stepping stone in the journey of better understanding grant programs in web3. The ‘Takeaways’ section delves into a variety of things that we hope can contribute to grant programs improving. Feel free to reach out with any feedback or to collaborate.

2023 年 6 月下旬至 9 月上旬,(访谈工作组)对 13 个组织的个人进行了 20 次访谈。本文件对这些访谈的结果进行了整理。

访谈涉及三种类型的补助计划:现行计划、已失效的计划和 Quadratic Funding 类补助。具体项目如下(如上图)。

11个尚活跃/不再活跃的补助金计划,已发放了价值超过 5 亿美元的补助金。有四个项目已经发放或承诺发放至少 5000 万美元的补助金——Algorand(约 1 亿美元)、以太坊(约 1.1 亿美元)、NEAR(约 5.4 亿美元)和 Solana(约 5000 万美元)。如果我们将 Grant round 包括在内,Gitcoin 也将榜上有名,因为它已经促成了价值超过 5000 万美元的赠款。所有涵盖的项目共发放了 5900 多笔资助。




 《数字治理在实体社区的应用》| ROAD TO WAMO 

嘉宾:丹尼尔·克罗诺维特(Daniel Kronovet),Colony 研究工程师;Zaratan Coliving 创始人 

分享主题:丹尼尔将展示他为 coliving 共享居住空间设计的应用程序。这是一个通过游戏化设计实现共同目标,减少决策需求的治理新思路。

回放链接:https://sourl.cn/a875du (同讲座二)


Slack Bot Boarding House

Daniel discussed a project to improve governance in shared living spaces using digital tools, influenced by various academic disciplines. He introduced the Chore system, which assigns points for chores, and the Hearts system for managing behavior, both facilitating meaningful efficiencies and clear expectations. He talked about the challenges during the launch, emphasizing the balance between technology and human interaction. Daniel announced a public rollout of the system, with its applicability depending on community size and trust level.

丹尼尔讨论了他设计的共居项目管理工具,使用数字工具来提高共享生活空间的治理效率,受到人文学科、政治科学、经济等学科的交叉影响。他介绍了 Chore 系统,该系统为家务活动分配积分;以及用于管理行为的 Hearts 系统,这两个系统都实现了显著的效率提升以及明确的期望设定。他谈到了项目启动过程中的挑战,并强调了技术与人类互动之间的平衡。丹尼尔宣布系统将在几周内公开推出,如何适用取决于社区规模和信任水平。


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