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“Speak not loudly, lest you startle those in the heavens.”#FILDAO


“The dark horse emerges in the encrypted social field as FIL DAO officially opens in the Asia-Pacific region.”

According to FIL WORLD news, at 21:00 Beijing time on November 5th, FIL DAO officially opened its services to the Asia-Pacific region. Users in the Asia-Pacific region can now download and use various functions of FIL DAO. Earlier, FIL DAO had already opened for public testing in Europe and the Americas on November 3rd, with tens of thousands of users participating on the first day, gaining significant market favor.

“Speak not loudly, lest you startle those in the heavens.”

In today’s rapidly advancing information society, our lives have almost no secrets left, with all our privacy exposed. Information security and privacy protection have become urgent needs in the development of this era.

As early as the 1990s, the cyberpunk movement predicted that in the future, encrypted social software would become people’s preferred choice as the internet proliferated. However, compared to traditional social software, encrypted social software had many shortcomings in terms of freedom and convenience at that time. Moreover, many people did not understand encryption technology, so it was not widely adopted. But with the development of encryption technology and a shift in people’s perceptions, encrypted social software has gradually gained favor in recent years.

On November 3rd, FIL DAO, the world’s first encrypted social and cultural ecosystem platform, entered public testing in the European and American markets. The first-day user count reached tens of thousands, receiving praise from numerous influential figures and causing a sensation in the market. On November 5th, it opened its services to the Asia-Pacific region, marking the rise of a “dark horse” in the encrypted social domain.

FIL DAO Core Features:

1,Encrypted Communication Sessions
Based on blockchain-end-to-end encryption technology, information transmitted by users on FIL DAO will be encoded and sent through the blockchain. Only those with the matching decryption private key can read the content, ensuring the security of user information during social interactions and preventing privacy leaks.

Unlike traditional social software with centralized service architectures storing data in company data centers, which is susceptible to issues like hacking, information leaks, and data misuse, FIL DAO eliminates these problems. It also allows users to regain control over their personal data and information, ensuring data security. This is a unique operational mode that sets FIL DAO apart from traditional social networks.

2,Large-scale Group Chats
Most social software currently limits group chats to hundreds or thousands of people, such as WeChat’s 500-person limit and QQ’s 2000-person group (3000-person groups require separate fees). As society evolves, the demand for super-large groups with tens of thousands of people is becoming increasingly urgent.

FIL DAO breaks the traditional limits on group chat size, utilizing decentralized distributed storage technology to create a group chat system capable of accommodating up to one hundred thousand people online, meeting the needs of numerous business scenarios.

3,Add Friends, Moments, and Square
Similar to traditional social software, FIL DAO features functionalities like adding friends, sharing moments, status updates in a friend circle, and a public square. However, FIL DAO provides more ways to add friends, such as using phone numbers, emails, UID, and inviting contacts to participate. User information is also encrypted for protection. The square function allows users to obtain timely information from their surroundings, various industries, making it more convenient and secure.

4,Educational Courses
Educational courses are a significant feature of FIL DAO. Unlike other social software, FIL DAO focuses more on building an ecosystem for cultural industries. It will gather various cultural industry-related courses, creating an open educational platform for users to exchange and learn.

5,Exclusive Communities
In FIL DAO, users can join or create their own communities, building their own traffic pool. FIL DAO will also provide support for community construction to more industry experts.

In the future, FIL DAO will continue to develop more application features, combining traditional social functions with the advantages of encrypted social interactions. It will collaborate with a broader range of industry applications, constructing a more extensive encrypted social and cultural ecosystem.

As FIL DAO sweeps in, we need to understand that this is not only a social trend but also a wealth opportunity!

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