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一些隨意的想法 6

開始下雪了,很冷。 我又開始寫日記了。

我真的希望它能夠永遠持續下去。 其實我有很多話要說,但我不知道如何以及何時。 沒有人知道,沒有最好的時機,但糟糕的時機是存在的。 我花了整整一個星期的時間來打掃和整理,房間卻還是很亂,有時真讓人抓狂。 於是,我一次又一次地去圖書館,圖書館很溫暖、漂亮、清晰,圖書館員很慷慨,所有的書都很熱情,最重要的是友善。 我不像以前那麼常喝咖啡了,看來我的身體真的不喜歡咖啡? 我想它想讓我嘗試喝茶。

It starts snowing, cold. I start writing journal again. I really hope it can last forever. I actually have many to tell but I do not know how and when. No one knows, there is no best timing too, though the bad timng still exists. I spent the whole week to clearn and tidy, the room is yet messy, it can really drive people crazy sometimes. Thus, I went to library again and again, it is warm, nice and clear, the librarians are generous and all books are welcoming and foremost friendly. I do not drink coffee that often as before, seemingly my body genuinely does not like coffein? I assume it want me to try drinking tea.

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