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Vaccinations ramp up 加大疫苗接种力度

President Biden said the U.S. will have enough COVID-19 vaccines for “every adult in America by the end of May.” He also called on states to prioritize inoculating teachers and child-care workers.

拜登总统说,美国将在5月底前为 "美国的每一个成年人 "提供足够的COVID-19疫苗。他还呼吁各州优先为教师和托儿所工作人员接种。  CNN POLITICS

The accelerated timeline comes after pharmaceutical company Merck agreed to help competitor Johnson & Johnson produce its one-shot vaccine.

在制药公司默克公司同意帮助竞争对手强生公司生产其一针疫苗之后,加快了时间进度。  THE WASHINGTON POST

Texas and Mississippi said they will drop their mask mandates and reopen businesses, despite CDC warnings that states should not relax restrictions while new, more contagious coronavirus variants are spreading.

德克萨斯州和密西西比州表示,他们将取消口罩禁令,重新开放企业,尽管疾病预防控制中心警告说,各州不应该放松限制,而新的、更具传染性的冠状病毒变种正在传播。   MISSISSIPPI TODAY

The FBI director told senators the January 6 Capitol attack was an act of “domestic terrorism” that has inspired extremists at home and abroad.

美国联邦调查局局长告诉参议员,1月6日的国会大厦袭击事件是 "国内恐怖主义 "行为,激发了国内外的极端分子。  THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

The Supreme Court appeared ready to uphold two Arizona laws that limit where votes can be cast and who can collect absentee ballots.

最高法院似乎准备维护亚利桑那州的两项法律,这些法律限制了可以进行投票的地方以及可以收集缺席选票的人。   LOS ANGELES TIMES

Rockets were fired at an Iraqi military base hosting American troops. It comes a week after a U.S. airstrike in Syria killed one member of an Iranian-backed militia group.

火箭弹射向伊拉克一个驻扎美军的军事基地。此前一周,美国在叙利亚的空袭造成伊朗支持的民兵组织的一名成员死亡。   NBC NEWS

The U.S. and the EU imposed sanctions on Russia in response to the poisoning and jailing of Putin critic Alexei Navalny.

美国和欧盟针对普京批评家阿列克谢-纳瓦尔尼中毒入狱事件对俄罗斯实施制裁。   REUTERS


Why today’s two pivotal COVID developments are changing the U.S. pandemic debate, the James Bond–like measures being used to protect vaccines in transit, and more on today’s podcast.

为什么今天的两个关键性的COVID发展正在改变美国大流行病的辩论,类似詹姆斯-邦德的措施被用来保护运输中的疫苗,了解更多内容请收听今天的播客。 APPLE NEWS TODAY



The Afghanistan Puzzle


It’s one of the most immediate questions for the Biden administration: Will peace talks with the Taliban and a military withdrawal create a breakthrough or a collapse?

这是拜登政府最直接的问题之一。与塔利班的和谈和撤军会带来突破还是崩溃?  THE NEW YORKER 


Neera Tanden withdrew her name from consideration for White House budget chief after facing opposition from both parties.

尼拉-坦登在面临两党的反对后,撤回了自己担任白宫预算负责人的考虑名单。 THE HILL


What life is like for the lawyer who became COVID-19’s “patient zero” in New York one year ago. 一年前在纽约成为COVID-19的 "零号病人 "的律师的生活是怎样的。   THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

Vernon Jordan, the civil-rights activist and confidant to Bill Clinton, died at 85.

民权活动家、比尔-克林顿的知己弗农-乔丹去世,享年85岁。 CNN POLITICS

Six Dr. Seuss books will no longer be published due to “hurtful and wrong” portrayals.

由于 "伤害和错误 "的描写,六本苏斯博士的书将不再出版。 NPR

How Clubhouse — the invite-only app that hosts live chats with people like Elon Musk and Drake — became one of tech’s hottest startups.




“It’s after the storm that’s the hardest part.”


The power is back on in Texas — but hundreds of thousands of residents still don’t have clean water.

德州的电力恢复了--但数十万居民仍然没有干净的水。 VOX

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