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LikeCoin 治理議案 | #47, #48, #49 議案的投票決定

介紹#47, #48, #49議案投票意向

我會對議案進行簡單地講解,提出自己的想法,最後明確表明自己的投票決定。如果你有委托likecoin給我,但對我的決定不同意,你可以留言,跟我講你的想法,也可以自己進行投票。投票方法可以問我,也可以看Daisy的教學文章,讚賞公民共和國國民 AKA 所有 Liker 現在可直接為治理提案投票啦!。真的強烈否定我,也可以把轉委拖給其他證驗人。


#47 社群基金使用議案:轉移 20,000,000 LIKE 到 Tech Subdao 的多人簽署錢包

議案Community-pool-spend Proposal: deposit 20,000,000 LIKE to Tech Subdao multisig wallet


Tech Subdao has been in operation for 3 months and is on track. Progress reports are available on monthly community calls and all the payments are transparently listed in a public Google Spreadsheet: 
Unfortunately, with the recent crypto tsunami, the USD price of LIKE was heavily hit. As a result, the teasury of Tech Subdao is seriously below the need. Meanwhile, we have not extended our spending but stick to only OurSky, with 2 developers on LikeCoin chain NFT module and revamp, which are both progressing well. At the current LIKE price, it costs us >2mil LIKE per week. That is why we need to request for a bigger amount of fund from the Community Pool this time and expect it to last for 8 weeks, so that there won't be another similar proposal in a short period of time. In fact, the payment to OurSky for last week is outstanding because of the lack of fund in Tech Subdao. i'm sorry for having under-estimated the need of fund in Tech Subdao.
By voting YES to this a proposal, you agree to send 20,000,000 LIKE to the Tech Subdao multisig wallet as the third tranche of fund allocated to support technical development of LikeCoin.

Tech Subdao 已經運行超過三個月了。會在每月社群會議上報告進度,相關的支付記錄會公開在 GoogleSheet上: 。很不幸地,因為近期密碼貨幣市場的海嘯,LIKE 的美元價格大幅下降。導致 Tech Subdao 的資金嚴重不夠支付。目前已經停止擴大增加支出,僅限於 OurSky 的兩名開發人員,進行 NFT 模組的開發和 的改版,上述兩個皆按計劃開發中。照現時的 LIKE 價格,每個星期需要支付超過 2 百萬的 LIKE。因此,需要申請比過去幾次更多的資金,預計支付 8 個星期,以避免短時間內頻繁申請資金。事實上,因為資金不足,仍未支付上一星期的費用。對於低估支付需求,感到十分抱歉。

投 Yes 代表同意轉移 20,000,000 LIKE 到 Tech Subdao 的多人簽署錢包作用第三批的資金,用於支持 LikeCoin 的技術開發。


因為市場的大幅轉變,支付額度變大是無可避免。我是傾向維持開發上的支出,至少也要讓 LikeCoin 的 NFT 模組完成。面對熊市,我反而不支持把開發停下來。在能支付的範圍內,盡可能使用社群基金來讓 LikeCoin 持續發展下去。現在也有成果了,鏈也成功支持 like1 前綴了。期待能持續有新的成果出現。


#48 社群基金使用議案:再次為 Osmosis 平台內的 LikeCoin 池提供奬勵

議案Community pool spend proposal: Renewal of Pool Incentives on Osmosis


This is a community pool spend proposal to allocate 15,000,000 LIKE for ATOM/LIKE (10,000,000 LIKE) and LIKE/OSMO (5,000,000 LIKE) pools on Osmosis to be paid by the LikeCoin community pool. This proposal aims to renew Pool Incentives on Osmosis which were accepted in Proposal 37 and have ended recently. 

 This proposal, if passed would distribute the requested number of LIKE tokens to like1fr62zx24gapdul0gze8lt3y9fmtt7h6mpsgver address owned by Liker Land, which will deploy the funds to the above-mentioned pools after proposal pass to coincide with the regular incentives on Osmosis. 

 The incentive program will last for 120 days and works out to roughly: 
 ATOM/LIKE = 83,333.33 LIKE / day 
 LIKE/OSMO = 41,666.67 LIKE / day 

 Incentives would require a lock-up period of 14 days.

這個議案是希望由社群基金撥出資金繼續為 Osmosis 內的 LikeCoin 池供奬勵,總數為15,000,000 LIKE,其中 ATOM/LIKE 池 10,000,000 LIKE,LIKE/OSMO 池 5,000,000 LIKE。

如果議案通過,相關 LIKE 將傳送到由 Liker Land 團隊持有的地址:like1fr62zx24gapdul0gze8lt3y9fmtt7h6mpsgver。並由其負責執行提供上述奬勵的操作。

相關奬勵方案為期 120 天,僅提供給鎖定流動性 14 天的錢包,每天數量大概為ATOM/LIKE 池 83,333.33 LIKE,LIKE/OSMO 41,666.67 LIKE。



我個人之前就已經覺得會為 LikeCoin 池提供流動性的人大多都不是短期投資,在現時市場大幅下跌的時候,還留在 LikeCoin 池的更是如此。流動性對任何密幣貨幣來講都很重要,在Osmosis 平台為 LIKE 提供流動性,對社群來也是有貢獻,必須承担幣價變化的風險。對此,我是仍然同意提供奬勵,只要數量不是太高,只為了用 APR 來吸引投機者就好。


#49 社群基金使用議案:轉移 5,000,000 LIKE 到 Marketing Subdao 的多人簽署錢包

議案Community-spend proposal: deposit 5,000,000 LIKE to Marketing Subdao multi-sig wallet


Into the 3rd months of marketing subdao operations, we were able to kickoff several marketing initiatives including brand ambassadors, community management, and recruit design help. Progress updates are available on monthly community calls and all payouts are transparently listed in a public Google Spreadsheet: By voting YES to this proposal, you agree to send 5,000,000 LIKE to the Marketing Subdao multisig wallet as the second tranche of fund allocated to the marketing development of LikeCoin.

Marketing Subdao 也運行3 個月了,我們啟動了幾項新的申傳計劃,包括社群宣傳大使、社區管理和招聘設計人員。 會在每個月社區會議上報告最近進度,相關的支出也會公開在 Google Sheet:。 投 Yes 則代表同意將 5,000,000 LIKE 轉移到 Marketing Subdao 的多人簽署錢包,作為 LikeCoin 支持營銷發展的第二批資金。


在 Twitter 上開始有看到一些貼文和影文在宣傳 LikeCoin 和相關功能項目,相信都有助 LikeCoin 的擴展。相關支出的法幣價格,個人感覺也沒有很多,而反是因為價格下降太多,才需要申請比過去多的數量。LikeCoin 在華文以外的地方可以算是新項目,需要持續宣傳自己才能讓更多的人知道和參與。


我是John Shao,感謝你看到這里。如果你想進一步了解我,想支持我,請看這篇文章