
I am Zabi Taylor working for inhumanbeing as PR consultant. With more than 6 year’s experience in PR and Digital Industry, helping teams to achieve goals by streamlining the process.

"Inhumanbeing" is a concept that delves into the paradox of human nature, where the civilized and the primal coexist within the same entity. It challenges the notion of what it means to be human by exploring the tension between our higher, rational selves and the raw, instinctual drives that lie beneath the surface.

On one hand, the "being" aspect represents the qualities we often associate with humanity—reason, empathy, morality, and the pursuit of knowledge. This side of us strives for order, ethical behavior, and the advancement of society. It is the part that seeks to understand the world, to connect with others, and to create meaning in our lives. The "being" is the philosopher, the artist, the scientist—engaged in a continuous effort to rise above mere survival and to achieve something greater.

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