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How to Play Crypto Blackjack: Rules and Gameplay Explained


Crypto blackjack is just the thing! With its fast-paced gameplay, it gives the players an ultimate chance to spend hours playing casino games without ever having to leave their homes - all while they are racking up chips in real time! Crypto blackjack is among the most popular crypto casino games, being a game that is not only easy to understand but also which is packed with fun and challenging moments. It will immerse you in a thrilling gaming experience, one where you can take your favorite place at the table and enjoy all the thrills of a casino atmosphere!

Below, we will explain the Rules and Gameplay to give you a general knowledge of what this game is about and has in store for you.

Crypto blackjack Rules

Crypto blackjack game rules are based on the Blackjack rules - but they have slight alterations. Instead of one deck of cards, it uses two decks: a single deck contains 52 cards and a second deck from which all of the hands are drawn. In addition to the two decks, there are some rules and adjustments to the classic Blackjack rule setup.

The game is really simple to learn. It is played according to the regular blackjack rules that every blackjack player knows. In order to play it, you will need a currency in Bitcoin or Ethereum. You can either purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum from an exchange, for example, Bittrex, Coinbase, Kraken, etc.

Step-by-Step Guide to Play Blackjack at Crypto Casinos

Here is how you can play the game stepwise at crypto casinos:

Step 1. Choose a crypto casino

There are many different types of crypto casinos that specialize in Blackjack. Some of these specialize in Blackjack only, while others have slots and other games to boot.

When choosing a crypto casino, you need to look at the reputation of the casino as well as the number of games they have to offer. This is because some casinos' websites may contain outdated information and even lie about the quality and amount of their content. This can make it very hard for you to get a good grasp on how their site works from your first visit. If a casino is blocked by Google, we recommend staying away from those casinos!

Step 2. Create an account

The next step is to create an account on the website selected. Creating an account is very easy. You just have to fill up a simple form and then follow the emailed instructions that are meant to confirm your account.

Step 3. Deposit money

In order to play Blackjack online, it is a must for players to deposit money at the start of their gaming session. This is because all casinos require players to deposit some small amount of money before they can start playing to verify their identity and prevent any misuse of the gambling website's services. Crypto casinos also allow players to make deposits in other cryptocurrencies apart from BTC and ETH, such as Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Dash, among others.

Step 4. Create a crypto wallet

To fund your Crypto Casino account, you need to add cryptocurrency to your wallet. This is because crypto casinos don't take card credit or cash deposits as they are not owned by any banks. You will have to create an account and deposit money into your wallet before you can start playing Blackjack.

In general, the most popular cryptocurrencies to fund your crypto casino account for playing Blackjack are Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, you can choose various other cryptocurrencies (available on a crypto casino website depending on your preferences. The process only takes a couple of seconds, and you are ready to play Blackjack!

Step 5. Set up your bankroll

Once you have deposited your funds into your wallet, you are at ease to start playing Blackjack online. However, before doing so, it is a must to set up a bankroll on the website. This is basically a vital step that casinos take to validate the information provided by players. You can set up a bankroll on any crypto casino that offers this feature. The amount of money that you choose to put in your casino account will determine how much money you can lose per round.

Step 6. Select the amount of money you want to play Blackjack with

After funding your online crypto wallet, the next step is to choose the amount of money you want to play with.

Some crypto casinos will enable you to choose the number of chips (or coins) you want to wager on each hand. You can choose the number of chips considering your budget.

Step 7. You are now ready to play Blackjack

Once you have taken all the aforesaid steps successfully, you are now ready to play cryptocurrency blackjack on one of the best crypto blackjack sites online out there!


Crypto casinos are continuously coming to the front and overshadowing traditional casinos due to their various terrific benefits. These casinos have turned around the way gambling operates whilst attracting more and more players to register for them and earn massive profits anonymously. Blackjack casinos are no exception – they offer quick payouts, fair games, and the opportunity for players to play from the comfort of their homes.

However, to become part of these casinos, it is a must for gamblers to have a basic understanding of how they operate, including the gaming rules and how to get started in general. We have already shared this information in our guide as greatly as possible; hopefully, it will come in handy for you.

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