樂音II 可以跳的"卡農"

Guitarist Dr. MJL劉明睿
Johann Philipp Krieger's Sonata a4 in F major

I am very fond of Baroque chamber music, especially when it's played on period instruments in a church with great acoustics—it really gives me goosebumps.

有一首可以跳的"卡農",不對,夏康舞曲,是克利格(Johann Philipp Krieger, 1649-1725; 知名德國作曲家Johann Krieger的哥哥)所創作的F大調四聲部奏鳴曲的最終樂章,非常好聽,整首曲子也非常精彩。
There is a Pachelbel's Canon-like piece that you can dance to, a chaconne. It’s the final movement of Sonata a4 in F major by Johann Philipp Krieger (1649-1725; he is the older brother of the renowned German composer Johann Krieger). This movement is incredibly beautiful, and the entire piece is fantastic.

4:34 開始為最後一個樂章《夏康舞曲》(別忘了聆聽整首呀!)

In triple meter (as chaconnes are), this danceable "canon" has a refined touch. Actually, it's just the first few chord progressions that resemble Pachelbel's Canon.

To me, compared to Pachelbel’s well-known "Canon," this movement has slightly less overt passion but compensates with its dance-like elegance and subtle beauty. It’s definitely worth appreciating.

The first time I listened to this piece live was in 2006 at the National Concert Hall (Taiwan), performed by Musica Antiqua Köln. It was truly an outstanding performance. Unfortunately, the ensemble has since disbanded.

科隆古樂團 Musica Antiqua Köln

The conductor and violinist, Reinhard Goebel, didn’t come to Taiwan that time, but I remember he was famous for switching to play with his left hand after his right hand was injured. This shows his profound dedication and passion for the violin. I highly recommend looking for recordings by Musica Antiqua Köln.

劉明睿博士, 台灣古典吉他家、作曲家、教育家 FB: mingjuiliuguitarist
Dr. Ming-Jui Liu, Taiwanese classical guitarist, composer, and educator

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Guitarist Dr. MJL劉明睿台灣吉他家劉明睿博士 關於音樂與吉他彈奏的我思我想,長度以及更新的時間不定,歡迎贊助窮苦音樂家加速產出。 現代人/媒體似乎有越寫越短或偏好影音呈現的傾向,但我依舊喜歡以網誌/blog的方式呈現...與大家分享!
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