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What are the Top 5 features of Kraken Clone Script?

The Kraken clone script is the pre-built cryptocurrency exchange software that replicates the core features and functionalities of the original Kraken crypto exchange.

This article helps to know about the Top 5 features of the Kraken clone script. Let us delve into it...

Kraken Clone Script - Overview!

The Kraken clone script is the pre-built cryptocurrency exchange software that replicates the core features and functionalities of the original Kraken crypto exchange. By using Kraken clone script anyone can launch a cryptocurrency exchange platform instantly.

Top 5 Features of Kraken Clone Script 

  • Live trading charts 

  • Order book system

  • Margin Trading 

  • Cryptocurrency wallet integration 

  • Crypto payment gateway integration

These are the top 5 features that should be integrated into the Kraken clone script.

To get the Kraken clone script - Contact us!!

With our Kraken clone script, you can launch your cryptocurrency exchange platform similar to Kraken rapidly.

Mail Id: hello@coinsclone.com

Whatsapp: +91 9500575285

Skype: live:hello_20214

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