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Mint Cash: 🏛️♻️ 一個無需許可、價格穩定的支付和儲蓄貨幣系統,由比特幣支持。

Mint Cash: 🏛️♻️ 一個無需許可、價格穩定的支付和儲蓄貨幣系統,由比特幣支持。

嗨,狂熱者們,有人還記得Terra @terra_money 是什麼嗎?它是早期的“DeFi”算法穩定幣之一,擁有很高的抱負,但從接近200億美元的TVL高峰跌破了1美元的錨定價。


Yo degens, anyone remember what Terra was? It was one of the early “DeFi” algorithmic stablecoins with high ambitions, but lost its $1 peg from its peak at near $20B TVL.

Today we're bringing Terra back from the grave.

Why now? Read on ... 1/

Mint Cash

2/ Terra envisioned a world where greedy banks are replaced by algorithms, creating a fair economic system that works for everyone. Anchor, the crown jewel of the Terra ecosystem, held more than $16B in TVL giving out 20% stable yields on deposits.

3/ Problem? They became too greedy, printing more and more coins from nothing to subsidize its yield reserves until everything collapsed to almost zero.

4/ In a strange world where almost all stablecoins are being held hostage by the old banking system, we need the original vision of Terra more than ever.

5/ That is why we are launching Mint Cash — what Terra envisioned themselves to become, before their greed ruined everything and karma came back to bite them.

6/ Unlike the original Terra, Mint Cash has no venture capital funding. It does not have a token sale, nor premined TerraSDR and Luna tokens to give out 20% interest. The only dump will be yours.

7/ Also unlike the original Terra, Mint Cash has zero room for greed and fraud. All Mint Cash stablecoins are designed to be backed by Bitcoin , the world’s largest, value neutral and inflation-resistant digital currency.

8/ Mint Cash is built by a team of anonymous developers that do not fear regulators, on a mission to truly set money free; backed by Bitcoin, and built on the CosmosSDK — the interchain-ready modular blockchain framework.

9/ Follow @wemintcash, as well as our two developers @shinhyojin1031 and @minjaesheep, for updates from the Mint Cash team directly.