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  • this is exactly the kind of political punishment that we Hong Kongers feared - this is exactly why we were so opposed to the Extradition Bill in June. Since then, the movement may have taken on new issues, but we cannot and will not forget the threat that looms just across the border. Thank you, XXXXXX, for giving our little city an outlet to tell the truth.
  • As a Hongkonger, it hurts to hear stories like this across the border, and it is at the same time terrifying to imagine the possibility that this may happen on us one day. Thousands of people are being oppressed every day in China, and HongKongers are now experiencing a violent police state. We feel obliged to not only voice out for ourselves, but also others suffering under the Chinese communist regime. I hope the world empathises with victims like this person and stand with all who are in the fight for freedom. Every support, big or small, matters - it gives us hope to persist. 😢❤️
  • It's nearly impossible for most people in privileged positions to imagine that a video of a protest, or sharing their belief on social media could cause their life to be in danger. Imagine writing a comment here, and that resulting in your loss of freedom. This story is important, they have taken their blood and fingerprints, they have their job, and so this individual now has no income and and threat to life. People think it can't happen to them, Hong Kong is showing it can.


  •  I came to US a couple of years ago from a small city in China to pursue my masters degree - and I strongly disagree. I didn’t feel like New York is so much more “free” than when I was in China - and living by the fear of Beijing and brainwashing? Have you been there or living there? I agree that in mainland China there are more videos of insane protesters hitting local police or light up the subway station and angered many Chinese people - but isn’t just a different perspective? If you are looking at China like people living in the fear of Beijing - guess what? You are totally brainwashed. Another thing I just wanted others to keep in mind is that - Not only I don’t think people are living in fear ( at least when I grew up, I left the country a few years ago) I think in general people are quite happy about the government - when you have any issues, there are platforms you can report and usually government comes back to you and have the issues fixed fairly quickly - that’s something I’ve never seen in US. I just don’t like the words you are saying “ I think they don’t have a choice” that is disrespectful for a lot of people
  • yes, ive lived and been to The Motherland especially in recent years. Sure, of course there are freedoms there. It’s not the apocalypse or the end of the world. There are happy people and happy citizens. But freedom of buying an iPhone vs a Huawei is different from the freedom for equality. It’s different from the freedom to respect each citizen with dignity. It’s different from the freedom of holding the government accountable when necessary. It’s different when the government actively tries to cover up the fact that they are holding concentration camps for minority groups and renaming them as “re-education camps.” It’s different for imprisoning someone and the family for saying one criticism of Xi. It’s different when your relatives hush you when you visit if you say anything different from the government doctrine. It’s true that freedoms are preached but not fully practiced here in the US. We still have a long way to go to ensure equality and equity for all our citizens. But the energy around you is different. All it takes is some common sense and if you don’t feel that, then it is clear who is the one being brainwashed here.


  • It is worth prefacing that every country has its own problems -- no country is perfect. But things like this just reminds me of why my family moved us out of China when I was little, and how much I appreciate it even more these days. Edit: I'd like to add that it's important to separate the politics from the culture. I still love being Chinese--my heritage and its rich cultural history--and I encourage everyone to keep your minds and hearts open to welcome cultural learning and exchange.
  • I share the same experience and belief with you. Well said, I'm cannot be less a supportor of the regime but I'm proud of my Chinese background. Having that background gives me a whole world of art, literature, interesting ideas and stories to explore. I'm grateful of being Chinese. Being Chinese certainly does not stop me from realising what this man experienced as grossly unjust. In fact, the more you respect and resonate with your culture heritage, shouldn't you be more aware of the issues and sufferings of people whom share that background with you?


  • Feeling very bad to see this. I think that is why I would always introduce myself as Taiwanese instead of Chinese. And always correct people who think Taiwanese and Chinese are the same. In fact, my dad came from China. I used to have a kind of "hometown" feeling for China. But now. No! I am only worried that China will take Taiwan or we Taiwanese will lose freedom soon.


  • I'm a Hong Kong student studying in XXXXXX, recently I've been posting posters and sticky notes around campus to raise awareness about Hong Kong. These posters and sticky notes are being torn off every single day, most likely by Mainland students. It's sad to see that these Mainlanders have been brainwashed to a stage where even when they get to live under the air of freedom, they would still rather follow the authoritarian ways of the Chinese Communist Party, and take away our freedom of expression.


  • I study with students from China in Boston. They can't even criticize the situation in Hong Kong. It's like whenever they are, they live in fear of Beijing listening in on them. one was very annoyed by a student carrying a banner in support of Hong Kong. I asked him later whay he seemed annoy when all the banner mentioned was freedom, which he enjoys in America. Other than reciting the communist creed about other countries trying to bring down China, there was nothing substantive he mentioned. People are either too brainwashed or the government in Beijing has instilled too much fear in its citizens, even those living abroad.
  • just so you know,if there is a large enough # of students there, one of them, will be not only Officially reporting back home to police, but will be the Voice Of Reason that these students will hear from many times while they are in the States. It is the same up Canada way. The Students  are expected to tow the Party line while they are abroad, and man are their Repercussions for their Families back home if they don't.. If you are looking for evidence, look into the  Montreal Student Body President  election last year. The student running was from Taiwan, and the Chinese  students were expected ( and turned out en' mass) to demonstrations against her. There was a phone in campaign to her Family in Taiwan, death threats, it was all mindboggling...
  • I recently read the article below, and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. After I finished reading it, I immediately wondered, “wow, are Chinese citizens who choose to study at universities abroad also being monitored by their fellow countrymen at the behest of the party?” Sounds like that’s likely the reality.😓https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2019/11/01/world/asia/china-student-informers.amp.html


  • I was in Shenzhen a few months back and you could definitely feel the tension. We had incidents of locals cornering students and demanding to know their stance on Hong Kong, wouldn't even take a "I don't know so I won't comment" for an answer. Even mentioning the country in casual conversation amongst ourselves had its risk.
  • I am currently visiting Hong Kong (from Australia) and this weekend I saw 2 demonstrations, and many riot police. It has struck me to the core just how much we take our freedoms at home for granted. We will (hopefully) never know the kind of fight Hong Kong is in the middle of right now, but realistically it could happen anywhere. I pray it will be resolved soon. I will be going home from this trip with a deep respect for Hong Kong’s people, and a democratic culture worth preserving.


  • I was just a little kid when communism dissolved in Romania, but I believe my parents would highly resonate with this story! Decades and geographies apart, but very similar impact at individual level...hope it won't be a matter of even more decades until freedom of thought and speech are the "normal" status-quo everywhere in the world! Stay strong and continue your fight. Without those that fought on my behalf when I was just a toddler, I probably wouldn't even be able to make this comment right now, or have many more other freedoms and responsibilities I get to enjoy and cherish!
  • It sounds like Cuba. This is Honk Kong but it could be any of the Cubans who oppose the government. And right now there are so many people trying to imitate Cuba without a clue on real life in a dictatorship... So sad.


  • I am from East Africa but my friend our country owes China a crippling debt! I swear to you every person living here owes China about 100,000 in local currency. So I am just in the process of learning who my debtors are. The politics of Far East are a fairly new concept to me. I am learning out of necessity.
  • China’s tactics to change the global order has consistently been the use of debt traps on countries it sees vulnerable or has economic or strategic value to the CCP. Most often times these countries cannot meet the requirements set by the IMF or western countries to borrow money and China exploits this gap and attempt to reroute trade lanes to its shores. When countries are drowning in debt, China demands a country to give up some pieces of land (usually a seaport) and the right to operate it independently to compensate for the debt. It is a very dangerous cycle where these countries fall victim because the only way they see to “save” themselves is to borrow more from China.
  • I read in the news a couple weeks ago that China has built many infrastructures in Kenya such as the speed train etc. without really assessing the risk whether the train would be profitable as not that many people would actually use it. Anyway, I hope your country won't be sold entirely to China and that the Kenyan youth of today will saveguard Kenya's interests tomorrow.


  • Isn‘t interesting how the  USA makes such a big deal about Cuba and Iran and their lack of freedom,  but because big corporations make billions,  probably. trillions from their connection to  China, they're willing to close their eyes to human rights abuses. The wealthy in  America  and their lackeys in Congress are such a  bunch of freaking hypocrites.  Oh,  yeah, the US brings so much freeeeeedom to the world.
  • I don't blame the Chinese alone, our very greedy leaders who run cartels in almost all economic sectors take the lions share. Tough times we live in. The railway project is the most expensive in the world. It's just a matter of time before it all erupts but the problem here in the African setup is that revolutions are always bloody and call for lots of sacrifice. It's not worth it and most Kenyans have just resigned to fate.


  • I often feel a pang of hesitancy before liking or interacting with posts about the situation in HK. I loved living in China on exchange during my undergraduate, and my partner's family lives in China still - I want to go back and visit of course, but will I get in trouble if the government sees that I read these stories? I try not to think about it too much, and I'm sure there are bigger priorities than a random student just visiting, but I still feel nervous about it.


  • What Hong Kong doing is not shedding a light of democracy, it’s mere brutality demonstrated by their burning down stores, attacking police officers and civilians, and blocking public transportation including subways and airports in a way that negatively affects people’s daily routine. How dare you call that democracy? As a popular social media account, simpler posting things without first ascertaining the truth or seeing it through your own eyes is rather stupid and biased. Shame on you.
  • Absolutely rubbish. Hong Kong is right now terrorised by rioters who totally lost it and attack "anyone" with different opinions. How can this be tolerated and defend "their" freedom  and rights? Anyone not living in HKG should not comment on Hong Kong because it's not that easy! This makes me angry to see such nonsense comments by anyone not living here where we have to endure this violence situation since fucking 5 months. Stop putting oil on it! 



  • 假既,明显系一个香港黄尸做既文宣片。根本上都唔会出现她讲果d节。内地不是这样运作的
  • 假若你應為自己沒有做錯的話。為什麼要平反有背向大眾有帶面罩。你有要做,有怕別人知道你做,你有要平反。你太矛盾。日後。你要好好反省自己在生命裏要做什麼。不要為自己。而是為整體社會!
  • 唔该你醒下啦,公司小小咖喱啡你有你老总微信?你老总仲系人大政协?就算你有,你老总都唔会有你朋友圈,因为层次唔同,人地屏蔽你?不过条片系比废青睇既,废青单细胞动物无脑梗系会信啦,哈哈


  • 我覺得呢單嘢好奇怪,生活響大陸會吾知呢類內容有後果?加自己老細入自己微信,仲要明知佢系政協都發朋友圈而吾選擇剔除左佢可睇嘅選項?想移民但吾夠條件,所以改用呢種方式方便申請政治庇護?好難吾令我甘諗
  • 你睇就睇啦,无端端发咩朋友圈呢,你究竟有冇真正响中国读过书架?仲咁好采上埋新闻采访,野心好大


  • 做人要分清楚D,系距老板不满意距做法,唔系党,讲到底系距老板唔满意手下D政治觉悟!!微信群日日都同朋友倾香港分享视频又唔见有事?当然你话去支援香港人(搞事)我就唔知了


  • 没送你去劳改都算你命大!为了什么利益?当然是为了你的国家!中国不能居住了?那过去香港台湾做港台毒吧!
  • 不喜欢做中国人,那就请你离开中国,不要在那里搞破坏!
  • 不在大陆居住,甚至连大陆都没上过,就单凭接收单方面的资讯,然后就以为大陆人民生活在水深火热当中,为其说话就以为他被洗脑,到底是谁被洗,被洗到完全不知道方向,实属可悲


  • 我們拿香港警察換你們出來
  • 多謝你,不過以後不要了,香港人希望這些正常人格中國人能安全!
  • 在中國有勇氣就是一種超能力
  • 又一個係Matrix覺醒嘅人... 但係現實世界比電影更殘酷
  • 中國人民乖乖聽話可給你一碗飯,不聽話就説(你自己放棄呢一碗飯)🤔究竟係選擇定被迫呢?





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