We provide tips for buying an air purifier


A new air purifier or air purifier can do a great job of cleaning the air in your home. You need to know which type to buy to fix the air problem in your home. This article describes the different types of household air purifiers from topairpurifier.org and cleaners available.

It begins with an overview of serious problems caused by indoor air pollution, and then describes the types of air purifiers and how to evaluate their technology and effectiveness. Finally, we provide tips for buying an air purifier.

True HEPA filtration system vs. HEPA

When it comes to the air purifying unit filtration system, there are two options: a true HEPA system and a HEPA type filtration system.

A true High Efficiency Anti-Particulate (HEPA) unit is certified to remove 99.97% of airborne particles and can remove particles down to 0.3 microns in size (microns are very small particle sizes. Approximately 20,000 microns of material will fit the entire diameter of a pin head). These units have been individually tested to ensure these guidelines can be met. These are the best options for removing allergens, pollen, and house dust mites.

HEPA-type filtration systems work too, but they typically remove only 85% to 90% of suspended particulates and can bypass particulates smaller than 1 micron. HEPA-type units are generally inexpensive and can be used to remove particles such as dust, odors, and smoke.

Additional features to consider:

The magic of an air purifier depends on the type of filter you need, but the purification unit has many additional features designed to make life easier.

Filter Life Indicator: Depending on the type of filter, the filter may need to be replaced to ensure clean air. So you can always keep it up to date. The filter life indicator automatically alerts you when you replace the filter.

Quiet Operation - The quiet, whispering operation of some air purifier models is ideal for babies, young children, and light sleepers.

Automatic Air Quality Monitor: While the air purifier is running, a special sensor monitors the air and automatically adjusts the cleaning speed accordingly.

Antibacterial Agents - These agents prevent mold and mildew from growing on the filter.

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