WHO支持開放電子煙 王郁揚:健康是基本人權


據《台灣威卜 菸草減害網路媒體VAPE Taiwan》報導,當國際間還在為電子煙規管爭議僵持不下之餘,世界衛生組織(WHO) 2020年最新報告顯示支持規管開放電子煙,聯合國(UN)也表示:「對電子煙徵稅,提高價格保護國民,可為政府帶來雙贏。」對此,世界衛生組織 菸草控制框架公約(WHO FCTC)反煙專家 王郁揚 表示:「世衛於2017年國際人權日宣示『健康是一項基本人權』。此次世衛報告表示為了保護公共健康應規管電子煙,因此本人才在公共政策連署平台發起連署,以推動2040無煙臺灣目標。」

WHO FCTC反煙專家王郁揚參考世界衛生組織資料,發起規管電子煙 實現2040無煙臺灣連署活動。/圖:擷取自 公共政策連署平台。



台灣威卜網路媒體(VAPE Taiwan Inc.)表示,身為網路媒體,我們秉持以科學證據為基礎進行中立報導並引述國際知名媒體報導,例如:CNN、BBC、路透社、彭博社以及VapingPost和蒸汽新勢力,希望讓更多台灣民眾了解國際菸害防制最新趨勢與作為,此次我們與嘖嘖合作的「推動無煙台灣」募資計畫,即是希望能有更多民眾一起關心台灣菸害防治議題。

WHO FCTC反煙專家王郁揚表示:「此次世衛西太平洋區(WHO WPRO)公布的報告建議各國為了保護公共健康,應規管電子煙。世衛也於2017年國際人權日宣示健康是一項基本人權。因此本人才在公共政策連署平台發起連署,以推動2040無煙臺灣目標。」

The latest WHO report supports regulating Vaping Taiwan THR expert: Health is a basic human right

While the international communities are still debating over banning or regulating vaping/ENDS, the latest report from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 shows support for the regulations of vaping/ENDS. The United Nations (UN) also said “Raising vaping/ENDS tax and Protecting the people can bring a win-win situation for the government. “In response, Yu-Yang Wang(王郁揚), a Tobacco Harm Reduction expert in Taiwan said:” WHO declared “Health is a basic human right” on International Human Rights Day 2017. The WHO report stated that vaping should be regulated in order to protect public health, that’s why I initiated a petition on National Development Council to promote the goal for Smoke-Free Taiwan 2040. “

On May 31st, 2020 is World No Tobacco Day. This year, the theme of “protecting young people from tobacco industry manipulation and preventing them from using tobacco and nicotine” is a global anti-tobacco product sales plan. Foundation for a smoke-Free Taiwan(FSFT,無煙台灣基金會) stated that the definition of a smoke-free country is “the prevalence of cigarette smoking is less than 5% of the national population.” New Zealand(Aotearoa) will reach the target on 2025, the United Kingdom by 2030, and Canada by 2035. FSFT hopes that Taiwan can reach it by 2040. For the goal of smoke-free Taiwan, we will continue to introduce information from the WHO, governments around the world, and Foundation for a Smoke-free World into Taiwan. We hope that TOBACCO HAZARDS PREVENTION ACT of Taiwan will be in line with international standards to protect the health of the people and children.

Taiwan Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (TTHRA,台灣菸草減害協會) stated that with the advancement of science and technology, tobacco harm reduction is a relatively new tobacco control strategy. TTHRA representing Taiwan joined the member of Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) and also learning from European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA), the Korea Harm Reduction Association (KHRA) and Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (ATHRA), by introducing international THR information into Taiwan, hoping to use Tobacco Harm Reduction strategy to strengthen the specific actions of tobacco control mechanism in Taiwan.

VAPE Taiwan Inc.(台灣威卜) stated that as Harm Reduction media based in Taiwan, we uphold neutral reports based on scientific evidence and quote internationally renowned media reports, such as CNN, BBC, Reuters, Bloomberg, VapingPost and VPSXL, hopes to let more Taiwanese people understand the latest trends and actions of international tobacco control. This time we are cooperating with ZECZEC on fundraising plan of “Promoting Smoke-Free Taiwan”, which is to hope that more people will pay more attention to Taiwan tobacco control issue.

Yu-Yang Wang(王郁揚), Tobacco Harm Reduction expert in Taiwan, said “This report by the WHO Western Pacific Region Office (WHO WPRO) recommends that countries should regulate vaping/ENDS in order to protect public health. WHO also declared health as a Fundamental human rights. Therefore, I initiated the petition on the National Development Council to promote the goal for Smoke-Free Taiwan 2040. “


2040無煙臺灣 王郁揚揭竿奮戰

長照菸救長照 無煙台灣基金會王郁揚:道德上有爭議

2020電子煙連署:參考世界衛生組織(WHO)2020年報告 規管電子煙,參考紐西蘭 英國 加拿大 實現2040無煙台灣

Change電子煙連署:WHO should take 「Tobacco Harm Reduction」as a Tobacco Control strategy to achieve smokefree

無煙世界基金會總裁 Derek Yach 說明創立基金會原因 2019:醫藥界沒革新

世衛規管電子煙建議出爐 UN:為政府帶來雙贏

抽加熱菸罰5萬! WHO反煙專家:香菸呢?

衛福部公親變事主 散播不實疫情遭檢舉

無煙臺灣倡議募資4/17開跑 提案人: 存亡關鍵

民團呼籲衛福部長 重新檢視菸草減害策略

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


台灣威卜菸草減害網路媒體台灣威卜菸草減害網路媒體(VAPE Taiwan Inc.) 成立於2017年,是最具影響力的菸草減害產業(電子煙、加熱菸、尼古丁製品)中文媒體。身為菸草減害(Tobacco Harm Reduction)產業領導中文媒體,台灣威卜針對國際最新產業新聞、研究、國家資料進行收集、分析、翻譯、傳播,以實現無煙台灣的目標。
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【斗內金流系統啟動】綠界科技-退回黑箱菸防法 下架民主進步黨! ft. WHO FCTC菸草減害專家 王郁揚
