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Justin Sung
IPFS 指纹 这是什么


Fire & Motion 18

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting quotes



📕A Book of Days

A new year is unfolding, the unknown before us, brimming the possibilities. (January 1st)

📕How to Win Friends & Influence People

Did you ever stop to think that a dog is the only animal that doesn't have to work for a living? A hen has to lay eggs, a cow has to give milk, and a canary has to sing. But a dog makes his living by giving you nothing but love.

Be genuinely interested in other people.

If you argue and rankle and contradict, you may achieve a victory sometimes. But it will be an empty victory because you will never get your opponent's good will.

You can't win an argument. The only best way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.


The important point is that, while the air particles move very fast, the collisions with other particles keep them mostly contained inside their local area. Over a longer period of time, they will eventually all mix up, but at the short timeframes we’ll be interested in here, each reasonably sized parcel of air contains mostly the same particles.

The article is so well-curated with basic concepts of sound and accompanied by those perfectly designed inline demonstrations to interact with. Although 7800 words is a bit more for a casual reading, the author get the format so right that it makes no effort to walk it through.

📄What in the Ethereum application ecosystem excites me

my excitement about Ethereum is now no longer based in the potential for undiscovered unknowns, but rather in a few specific categories of applications that are proving themselves already and are only getting stronger.
For a long time, I have been bullish on blockchain identity but bearish on blockchain identity platforms. The use cases mentioned above are really important to many blockchain use cases, and blockchains are valuable for identity applications because of their institution-independent nature and the interoperability benefits that they provide. But what will not work be an attempt to create a centralized platform to achieve all of these tasks from scratch. What more likely will work is an organic approach, with many projects working on specific tasks that are individually valuable and adding more and more interoperability over time.
The main thing that does not work well are DAOs that require pivoting ability that is in conflict with robustness, and that do not have a sufficient case to "decentralize for efficiency". Large-scale companies that mainly interface with US users would be one example. When making a DAO, the first thing is to determine whether or not it is worth it to structure the project as a DAO, and the second thing is to determine whether it's targeting robustness or efficiency: if the former, deep thought into governance design is also required, and if the latter, then either it's innovating on governance via mechanisms like quadratic funding, or it should just be a multisig.


📄The Internet explained from first principles

Digital data can be copied perfectly from one memory location to another. The implementation of a specific protocol receives a chunk of data, known as the payload, from the layer above and wraps it with the information required to fulfil its purpose in the so-called header. The payload and the header then become the payload for the layer below, where another protocol specifies a new header to be added. Each of these wrappings is undone by the respective protocol on the recipient side.

Finally got an elegant explanation of how layers work in networking.

A server is just a process registered with the operating system to handle incoming traffic on a certain port.

Outside Interest!


🎥【人文講堂】20200613 - 為什麼我們對職涯如此焦慮 - 姚詩豪


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