Si3 Digital
There is still a belief that when developing a website, the most important thing is the Website Design.

There is still a belief that when developing a website, the most important thing is the Website Design. That is why no one will be surprised that on a normal website the design can cost more than 1,000 AED, and on the other hand more than one does not understand that the contents can be worth almost the same. However, a well-designed page will not achieve a good position in Google or make users interested in the products or services we offer if it does not offer good web content. That is why it cannot be done by just anyone, nor can it be done in a moment. It requires talent, investment of time, and, almost always, experience.

Web Content Makes a Difference

The first thing we have to take into account is that people will not visit a website and consider hiring services or buying products if it is not for the content that is offered and how it is presented. And if you don't consider that, much less will you share your content on social networks, through links on other websites, or even recommend it by word of mouth. If the contents do not satisfy, users will go to another website that does offer them what they are looking for.

The web content, therefore, has to be of quality, unpublished, relevant, and useful. In addition, of course, it must be presented with an attractive design that favors readability and generates trust, and an intuitive structure that allows easy location of what is sought and facilitates interaction with the company or person

To ensure that these contents reach that level of quality, we must not only think about texts. Obviously, the texts are fundamental, but we must also choose suitable images, especially the main image, that capture the attention at first sight. In addition, it is increasingly necessary to complete content with videos, and even comparators or infographics, or gamification elements, which are halfway between design, programming, and content generation.

Advertising is NOT a Substitute for Good Web Content

There are some companies that think that they do not need good web content because even if they do not have good positioning, they already attract clicks through advertising. However, they are wrong because the content not only influences the positioning but also the rate of online purchases or requests for information about products or services once the user is already on the page.

The more quality, relevance, and usefulness our content have, the more confidence we will generate in the user, and therefore the more we will predispose them to buy or request information. On the other hand, with poor content, users will have more incentive to leave the page to compare with others that offer better information, and therefore instill that trust that we will not have given.

Quality Web Content Makes us Money

Actually, the fact that quality content on a website generates more confidence in the user not only reverts to a predisposition to buy. It also dissuades others who, with unattractive or incomplete content, would have contacted us to resolve doubts and would have made us waste time before ending up rejecting us.

How many times has the owner of a furniture store wished that only customers who were already half convinced of buying would enter his store and not those who, no matter how much time you invest in serving them, never end up buying anything? Well, quality web design services help to filter those clients and make us contact the most predisposed to hire or buy and, therefore, easier to convince. Earning money will mean a smaller investment. For this reason, the commercial value of the content is so high, at the same level as a good web design.

How to Make Your Website Have Good Content

The best way to ensure that our page has the best web content is to leave it in the hands of a professional Web Design Company since, as we have seen, the profitability of our business depends largely on it. And that must be taken into account from the moment we look for a company to develop our website.

Web design companies that know that a page today is a fundamental element of a business will pay as much attention to the content as to the design. That is why they will ask you if you need to budget texts and images and, in any case, they will tell you that if you contribute them, they will adapt them to the online strategy that is pursued with the web.

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