讓『英文寫作』更靈活 : 表達 "此外" 的12種說法
Tips#3 : 表達 "此外" ( 接續上個句子, 用來補充說明.. )
較正式的8種 說法
- 寫法1] 前句. Additionally , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法2] 前句. In addition , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法3] 前句. Moreover , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法4] 前句. Furthermore , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法5] 前句. In addition to +名詞 , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法6] 前句. Except for +名詞 , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法7] 前句. Apart from +名詞 , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法8] 前句. Aside from +名詞 , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
例句 : 洪水已造成數十萬人死亡。此外,還造成數千萬的經濟損失。
寫法1] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. Additionally, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
寫法2] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. In addition, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
寫法3] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. Moreover, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
寫法4] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. Furthermore, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
寫法5] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. In addition to the toll, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
寫法6] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. Except for the toll, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
寫法7] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. Apart from the toll, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
寫法8] The flood has left hundreds of thousands dead. Aside from the toll, it caused tens of millions of financial loss.
較口語的4種 說法
- 寫法 9] 前句. Also , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法10] 前句. Besides , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法11] 前句. What's more , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
- 寫法12] 前句. Not only that , 主詞 + 動詞 ..
例句 : 怪奇比莉在Instagram擁有高人氣。此外,她還發行了她第一本書。
寫法1] Billie Eilish has high popularity on Instagram. Also, She has published her debut book.
寫法2] Billie Eilish has high popularity on Instagram. Besides, She has published her debut book.
寫法3] Billie Eilish has high popularity on Instagram. What's more, She has published her debut book.
寫法4] Billie Eilish has high popularity on Instagram. Not only that, She has published her debut book.
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