Your Worship, we know as a matter of fact that we are no foreign agent, and nothing has emerged in this year long ordeal that proves otherwise. To sentence us in such circumstances is about punishing people for defending the truth. The truth is that national security is being used as a hollow pretext to wage an all out war on civil society. The truth is that our movement for human rights and democracy is home grown and not some sinister foreign implant. The truth is that people here have a voice of their own that will not be silenced. The Alliance is no stranger to the cost of speaking truth to power. We should know as we have been guarding the truth of the Tiananmen Massacre for over 30 years and have campaigned for many of those jailed and harassed and humiliated for telling that truth. We have long been prepared to pay the price. With the notices and the degrading designation as foreign agent, the government was effectively saying to us, bend your knees, betray your friends, betray your cause, accept the state’s absolute authority to know all and decide all, and you shall have peace. What we are saying with our action is simply one word: NEVER. An unjust peace is no peace at all. Never will we surrender our independence from the state. Never will we help delegitimise our own movement by endorsing the government’s false narrative. Never will we treat ourselves and our friends as potential criminals just because the government says we are. Instead we will continue doing what we have always done, that is to fight falsehood with truth, indignity with dignity, secrecy with openness, madness with reason, division with solidarity. We will fight these injustices wherever we must, be it on the streets, in the courtroom, or from a prison cell. This battle including what we have done in this case, is a battle we have to fight, here in this city we call home. For our freedom to be ourselves is at stake. For the future of our city - and even of the wider world - is at stake. Your worship, today’s hearing comes at an ironic time. While false people’s representatives are having their grand gatherings in Beijing, busy endorsing one man’s wishes as that of the nation’s, genuine voices of the people are being denied that recognition in this courtroom. When the nation’s interests is defined by one party, or indeed, one person, so called “national security” would inevitably become a threat to the people’s right and security, nationally and even globally, as demonstrated by Tiananman, by Xinjiang, by Ukraine, and indeed Hong Kong. Compared with those imagined agent of unidentifiable foreign entities, surely the concrete but unaccountable state power is the more dangerous beast. The government always emphasises the priority of one country two system, but that doesn’t mean as citizens of this country, we bear the primary responsibility to rein in this beast that threatens the world. Which is why we did what we did, and why we can never give up. Sir, sentence us for our insubordination if you must, but when the exercise of power is based on lies, being insubordinate is the only way to be human. This is my submission. ***** 法官閣下,我們知道事實上支聯會並非外國代理人,而這一年來的折騰亦沒有證據證明我們是。在此情況下判刑,等同於懲罰捍衛真相的人。 真相是,「國家安全」被用作虛假的藉口向公民社會發動全面戰爭;真相是,我們的人權民主運動植根香港,而非由邪惡的外國勢力移植而來;真相是,這裡的人民有自己的聲音,並不會被噤聲。 支聯會對於向當權者講真話的代價並不陌生,因為我們守護了天安門大屠殺的真相超過30年,亦曾為許多因說出真相而被囚禁、騷擾和羞辱的人發起行動,我們一早準備好付出代價。 政府發通知書貶低我們是外國代理人,正正是叫我們:屈膝下跪、出賣你的朋友、背棄你的原則,接受政權有知道和決定一切的絕對權力,那你就會得享安寧。 而我們以行動給出的回應只有一個字:NEVER。不公義的安寧根本不是安寧。我們絕對不會向政權放棄我們的自主;絕對不會認同政府錯誤論述,幫他們宣告我們的運動非法;亦絕對不會因政府所說,就當自己和朋友是潛在罪犯。 相反,我們會繼續做我們一直在做的事,就是以真相對抗謊言、以尊嚴對抗侮辱、以公開對抗保密、以理性對抗瘋狂、以團結對抗分化。我們會在必要的地方對抗不公,無論在街頭、在法庭,抑或在監獄。這是我們在這個稱之為家的城市所要打的仗,因為我們做自己的自由正受威脅,我們的城市、甚至整個世界的未來亦危在旦夕。 法官閣下,今天的聆訊在一個諷刺的時間舉行,當虛假的人民代表正在北京舉行盛大聚會,忙於將一男子的願望當成全國的願望來擁護,人民真誠的聲音卻被這個法庭拒之門外。當國家的利益由一個黨、甚至一個人來定義,所謂「國家安全」便無可避免成為人們權利和安全的威脅,無論在國內抑或全世界,就像天安門、新疆、烏克蘭和香港的情況一樣。 與不知名外國組織的虛構代理人相比,明顯地,確實存在但無須問責的政權,才是更加危險的猛獸。政府經常強調一國兩制的重要性,但不代表作為這個國家的公民,我們就有責任控制這頭威脅世界的猛獸。這正是我們為何做了我們所做的事,亦是為何我們永遠不能放棄。 閣下,如果必須的話,你就對我們的不服從宣判;但當權力的行使是建基於謊言,我們生而為人只能不服從。以上就是我的陳詞。
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