Product Manager (PM) Salary in SEA

Kristi Wong

Recently I have been seeking opportunities to work abroad. Why? To see the world, and perhaps earn more. I am currently based in Taiwan, and this is my hometown. Taiwan is a great place, but in terms of internationality and salary, I believe there are definitely some places worth a try. 

Therefore, I searched for some information about salary differences in SEA. I am currently working as a Product Manager in a tech startup, so I first looked for the salary of a Product Manager in SEA for sure.

Like my other articles, this is just another note for me. So if you happen to know some good resources, information or articles, please share it with me. I would be very thankful!

Product Manager Salary in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia

It’s hard to find an article that contains all the information. This is the rare one. You don’t have to click and search again and again. But it would be perfect if they just use a table.

Product Manager average salary in Singapore 2021

It has a clear comparison of relevant jobs.

Salary Expert

It provides not just salary, but also cost of living to give you an idea of whether the salary is enough or not.

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