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To Medibloc Delegators - Compensation with apology

As a remedy with deep apology to my delegators and supporters, Oldcat has sent a sum of compensation covering 3-day commission fee, plus the delegation amount slashed.

Oldcat validator node had a crash in the ledger record at about 5pm, Feb 14, 2022 (Hong Kong Time). After a period out of service, which is about 48 hours, the service was resumed at 5pm, Feb 16, 2022. Given the long downtime, the Oldcat validator node was jailed during the period and caused the loss of the delegators.

As a remedy with deep apology to my delegators and supporters, Oldcat has sent a sum of compensation covering 3-day commission fee, which is 0.0047 per token plus the delegation amount slashed which is equivalent to 0.01% of fund delegated, to each delegator during the period.

Oldcat would like to say a sorry for any inconvenience caused. For this incident, the time used to recover the services was longer than expected. Oldcat will investigate and develop a better snapshot strategy so as to avoid same happening again.

Sorry again for the incident and thanks for your support.

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