
'Cause you're my Iron Man. And I love you 3000



得出了開首的結論。然後在youtube music弄了一個屬於你的playlist,打著這篇一邊在聽,大概這是我表達愛的方法吧,雖然歌單你聽不到,可是其他人可以聽到,我也能一直反芻著彼此的情感。距離我們初次見面已經快五年了,我訂婚了。謝謝當時的你讓我下了跟前度一刀兩斷的決定。「意識到自己並沒有對方喜歡自己那麼喜歡對方」大概當時在你車上聽著《存在》的自己是那樣想著的吧,可是一切都開始模糊了,像我日益嚴重的近視、暈眩和鼻敏感,可是活著又是一種如此真實的感覺。

我大學畢業了,終於。那天你載我去考的試,是哲學系的Understanding Morality。出軌的自己想著沒有道德的人去考morality真的很好笑,然後在試卷上垂死掙扎展演著邏輯,還留言跟lecturer說拜託讓我及格,之後我free elective會選你的課的(最後真的有選)。明天也要工作啊,雖然我再三跌斷了腿可以work from home,可是不睡然後工作的自己,會一直在issue和device之間發狂。我將一些沒有一起聽過的歌都放了進playlist了,像是珂拉琪的歌和宇多田光的One Last Kiss,還有Cyberpunk 2077動畫版的I Really Want to Stay in Your House(是Lucy的情歌吧)。或許是一種期許吧,畢竟情感不能停留在2018年的冬天和2021年的初夏。大概是在更新情感的database。(提起LUCY就想起月亮然後又想起幣災^w^ 我的魚柳包稿費變成了0.1個魚柳包了)然後往playlist裡面加了幾首關於月球的歌(撈月亮的人、月球上/下的人)


還是起身去了廁所然後拿了一包乳酪來喝。我掉了條頭髮在mon上,大概是從瀏海來的,頭髮形成了圓弧,還以為是Matters文字編輯器的新graphic。或許沒有不會醒的夢的吧,就像沒有不會完結的愛情、幻像和音樂。或許我們相遇的時候只像一場發燒時候發的lucid dream,可是我還是想坐在你身旁聽你說話。偶爾會覺得自己的愛很沈重、是個陰沈的女人,可是又已經是身分認同的一部分,就像《不起眼女主角培育法》裡面的霞之丘詩羽一樣,無止境地在寫著妄想的情書和輕小說希望對象讀懂。


I really wanna stay in your house.


kay. 2023. 0510//06:22


  1. 張先生playlist 的link,是unlist的:https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfgciUQQ9xABZW7Fipwy96U57Y0BnoH-_
  2. 張先生在裡面聽不到所以文字歌單在此:
    原子邦妮-存在 live ver、蘇打綠-我好想你、原子邦妮-我只是你的夢境、這樣我就能忘記你了、被你遺忘的森林、#imissyousobad、天亮之前、在_崩壞之後、TK-Unravel the First Take ver.、容祖兒-心之科學、Cozy Syndrome-沒遺憾放任、Manson Cheung-心獸 (within Monster ver.)、珂拉琪-葬予規路火烌猶在、宇多田光-One Last Kiss、AGA-City Pop、Mizu、高瀨統也-どうして、珂拉琪-萬千花蕊慈母悲哀、Samuel Kim&Lorien-I Really Want to Stay in Your House、IZ*ONE-I love you 3000 cover、楊千嬅-撈月亮的人、Gin Lee-月球下的人、陳奕迅-月球上的人、Cozy Syndrome-夜空、Pandora-安全距離
  3. I Really Want to Stay at Your House的歌詞,即使旋律是如此浪漫抒情,歌詞卻很絕情,救命
I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards
But now you're going to leave with nothing but a sign
Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines
Because I miss you all the time
So, get away
Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
And let yourself go
You know you didn't lose your self-control
Let's start at the rainbow
Turn away
Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go
Let yourself go
Is that a compromise?
So, what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view?
There's a party soon, do you wanna go?
A handshake with you, what's your point-of-view?
I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go
'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
And I hopе this works out
But you know how much you broke me apart
I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you
I don't wanna know
And I'm awarе that you were lying in the gutter
'Cause I did everything to be there by your side-ide
So, when you tell me I'm the reason I just can't believe the lies
And why do I so want to call you (call you, call you, call you)
So, what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view?
There's a party soon, do you wanna go?
A handshake with you, what's your point-of-view?
I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go
'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
And I hope this works out
But you know how much you broke me apart
I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you
I don't wanna know
I don't know why I'm no one
So, get away
Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
And let yourself go
You know you didn't lose your self-control
Let's start at the rainbow
Turn away
Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go
Let yourself go
Is that a compromise?
So, what do you wanna do, what's your point-of-view?
There's a party soon, do you wanna go?
A handshake with you, what's your point-of-view?
I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go
'Cause I really wanna stay at your house
And I hope this works out
But you know how much you broke me apart

