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Powell 在 Jackson Hole 簡單幾分鐘講話就打爆股市? 和大家一齊睇原文~

橡樹流派財富自由大法 M Ho

Powell 在 Jackson Hole 簡單幾分鐘講話就打爆股市? 和大家一齊睇原文~

以下抽一些重點出嚟睇睇~ 究竟係咪如新聞媒體講得咁恐怖悲慘,世界將要滅亡呢? 大家睇完此 post 應該都會有一定的了解,我都分享下自己的主觀感覺。

前 post 小弟都分享個對美國 Fed 會議紀錄的睇法,我的立場沒有變的:



“直接講心法,我其實都不太非常重視這些新聞,抱著 “知道了就可以” 的心態去睇”


“你可以比較一下自己政府的新聞公告,其實大部分都是官話廢話新聞稿,如我的前老細所說 “read the tea leaves”, 古代觀察茶煲茶葉形狀, “占卜” 未來。”


以上其實都總結咗 我對Jackson Hole 的睇法,下面解釋開始:

Price stability is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve and serves as the bedrock of our economy.

價格穩定 聯儲局中央銀行的工作和責任,更加是經濟基石

Reducing inflation is likely to require a sustained period of below-trend growth.

對抗通脹將會有一段時間降低經濟增長 (教科書式對答,阿媽係女人,意義不大,即係 “廢話” )

While higher interest rates, slower growth, and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflation, they will also bring some pain to households and businesses. These are the unfortunate costs of reducing inflation. But a failure to restore price stability would mean far greater pain.

全篇講話高潮所在,股市大插原因,用咗英文字 “pain, 痛苦”。

減低通脹需要高息率,減低經濟增長,降溫就業市場。這些都是對個人家庭和生意的 “痛苦”。這些都是對抗通脹的成本。

(其實都係教科書的內容對答,山是石頭海是水。對抗通脹當然是有成本的。不過,市場見到英文字 “pain”就反應都幾大,新聞媒體當然放大報導~ )

While the lower inflation readings for July are welcome, a single month's improvement falls far short of what the Committee will need to see before we are confident that inflation is moving down.

7月數據理想,不過一個月的數據太少,聯儲局委員會要睇未來更多數據才下決定通脹是開始減低。 (政府官腔,留有餘地空間後路)

In current circumstances, with inflation running far above 2 percent and the labor market extremely tight, estimates of longer-run neutral are not a place to stop or pause.

現在通脹仲係遠高過 2%,仲未可以停低停止打擊通脹。(哦,明白)

Our decision at the September meeting will depend on the totality of the incoming data and the evolving outlook. At some point, as the stance of monetary policy tightens further, it likely will become appropriate to slow the pace of increases.

9月的會議會繼續留意未來更多的經濟數據下決定。喺未來某一點,貨幣政策緊縮至到某一刻 (加息),加息就會慢慢停止。(教科書式廢話,加息加到咁上下,通脹變慢,當然就會放慢加息)

Restoring price stability will likely require maintaining a restrictive policy stance for some time.

回復價格穩定 需要一段時間的貨幣緊縮政策,即係高息率會維持一段時間 (教科書式廢話同上)

The historical record cautions strongly against prematurely loosening policy.

過去紀錄歷史極度反對過早減息寬鬆政策 (政府官員做決定當然會留定一定後路空間給自己, “過早”是形容詞,幾長時間先不算 “過早”? )

Committee participants' most recent individual projections from the June SEP showed the median federal funds rate running slightly below 4 percent through the end of 2023.

六月 Fed會議上面,暫時預計 2023年尾加息最多都是 4% (都是一貫市場預期,留意雖然沒有講出減息,也沒有 “否定” 加息將會 “減慢”,或者只是維持一個高息率一段時間,不再大幅加息)

Participants will update their projections at the September meeting.

加息幾多會在 9月會議上決定 (有咩留返 9月先再講~)

The first lesson

以下講出 Powell 3個學習體驗。第 1個體驗看原文吧~ 不詳解了 

The second lesson is that the public's expectations about future inflation can play an important role in setting the path of inflation over time.

第 2個體驗,公眾對未來通脹的 “期望” 係通脹多少的一個重要因素。 

As former Chairman Paul Volcker put it at the height of the Great Inflation in 1979, "Inflation feeds in part on itself, so part of the job of returning to a more stable and more productive economy must be to break the grip of inflationary expectations."

這是宏觀經濟學的入門重點。前主席 “雪茄伏”: 通脹其實係 “有自我預言實現” 的特質,聯儲局其中一個工作其實是管理大眾對通脹的 “期望”

Former Chairman Alan Greenspan put it this way: "For all practical purposes, price stability means that expected changes in the average price level are small enough and gradual enough that they do not materially enter business and household financial decisions."

前主席格林斯潘: 價格穩定是代表平均價格變動水平 “少”,點樣先算少? 價格通脹變動變化 應該不是大眾購物和商業生議決定的主要因素。  

third lesson, which is that we must keep at it until the job is done.

第 3個體驗重點,我哋會繼續努力直至工作完成 (知道知道啦)

大家可以留意一點,其實上星期 5同一時間公佈的 PCE 已經比預期做得理想,市場一度估計加息應該都差不多了,星期5 美股市場早段係升的,直至 Powell 發表講話。

現在大家市場估計 未來 9月加息 0.50% 有 27.5% 機會率; 加息0.75% 有 72.5% 機會率。留意這個機會率去到 9月會議前一天都可以改變~  

總結,整篇講話內容正正常常,學術常識討論解釋國家聯儲局中央銀行的工作責任,非常正經安全。小弟認為不用過度反應,過度分析每一個英文用詞。你當經濟學入門簡單書本分析睇,其實講得幾好。引用返上一個 post的結尾:


“如我一開始所講,這些新聞,“知道了就可以”,這個機會率會不斷改變, 隨著新的市場 “心情”,各種不斷新的數據而改變。過度追貼財經新聞,會令自己混亂,最重要保持心境平靜冷靜。”

“There are 60,000 economists in the U.S., many of them employed full-time trying to forecast recessions and interest rates, and if they could do it successfully twice in a row, they’d all be millionaires by now.”

“iBank 經濟策略師, 經濟學家 如果可以連續兩次準確預測 經濟衰退 和 利率息率,佢哋一早發咗達。點解佢哋現在仲返緊工 ? ”


全篇原文講話內容在 comment,英文用字簡單,小弟鼓勵大家睇睇閱讀,10-15 分鐘應該睇完 (計上查字典時間) 。了解一下中央銀行的工作和責任,簡單宏觀經濟學入門,當係生活常識睇也不錯。



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