靈氣幫助化療患者 Reiki Helps Chemotherapy Patient

靈氣幫助化療患者 Reiki Helps Chemotherapy Patient
我們教會一位非常活躍的 81 歲姊妹得了膽管癌,並決定在手術後接受化療。 她曾經是一名護士,所以我問她是否知道手觸療法和靈氣。 她不僅知道,而且還允許我每週都去探望她一次,從 2000 年感恩節到她於 2002 年 9 月去世為止。 她說她總是在我們的療程結束後能夠睡一會兒,然後在下一次化療之前沒有噁心和嘔吐這樣的化療副作用,然後我就會再進行另一次療程。 她的女兒告訴我這個療程對她母親的意義有多重要。
Reiki Helps Chemotherapy Patient
A very active 81-year-old member of our church got bile duct cancer and decided to accept chemotherapy after surgery. She had been a nurse so I asked her if she knew about Therapeutic Touch and Reiki. She not only knew about them but also allowed me to visit her every week from Thanksgiving 2000 until she died in Sept 2002 to do a session. She said she would always sleep for a while after our sessions, then be free of chemotherapy side effects like nausea and vomiting until the next treatment, and I would go to do another session. Her daughter has told me how much the sessions meant to her mother.
Author Name:
Gail Boutros