The Best Ways to Boost Your Health and Wellbeing


There is no question that the past few years have driven everyone’s stress levels through the roof for one reason or another. Job insecurity, family issues, working from home and schooling from home paired with an uncertain economy are some of the UK’s biggest stressors in recent history. It’s no surprise that these things have taken a toll on our collective mental health. Not everyone has the time or resources for a spa day every week, but it is important to mind our mental health in these times. 

Unfortunately it is often the things we enjoy and find to be stress relieving that are the first to go when times are tricky. For example, a person who loves getting their nails done every few weeks might have had to change shifts and no longer have the time, or they may be finding things harder financially and can’t spend on small luxuries that make them feel good. 

There are countless examples of this kind of behaviour all over the country, and with everything that is going on it can feel impossible to find a quiet moment to check in with ourselves and give ourselves a little bit of breathing room. Everyone will feel the weight of the world at some point in their life, and at those times, even though it seems difficult, it is even more important to make time to take care of yourself. If this sounds like you then first of all, deep breath in, deep breath out. Now, give these simple methods a try next time you feel in need of a boost. 

Have a hot bath

Sometimes, when we’re stressed or extremely busy, bathing and showering feels like a chore rather than a daily ritual. Not having the luxury of time for a long, hot bath or shower, or not having the time to deal with your wet hair once you’re done can sometimes mean we skip the odd shower day when things are getting on top of us. If you possibly can, this is the perfect time to run yourself a hot bath (or shower) and make an experience out of it. Use that fancy bath bomb you’ve been saving, heck, even light a few scented candles and throw on some relaxing music - whatever you need to make this feel like a treat instead of a chore. 

Take a few minutes for a pilates de-stress

Physical movements like yoga and pilates are not only great for the body but the mind too. Grab your favourite pilates clothing, get your hair into a messy bun, and give yourself just five or 10 minutes to work on easing the stress out of your muscles. If it helps, look for an instructor on YouTube and follow one of their routines. Pay special attention to your breathing and keep your movements smooth and strong. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel once you’re done. 

Make your favourite drink or get a snack

A favourite go-to drink for difficult times is the humble cup of tea. For thousands of years we have understood the calming, soothing effects of tea. Everything about it, from the flavours and aromas to the ritual of making yourself a brew is comforting. Even if you chug back 50 cups of tea a day, make time for a cup of tea that is a bit more special. Put your phone on silent and close your laptop, and go and boil that kettle. 

Try to avoid the temptation to browse social media, instead take a book to read while the kettle boils and the tea brews. Then go and cradle that hot, steaming mug and take some calming breaths. Fair enough, not everyone likes tea and that’s hardly the point. Do this while you’re making a pot of coffee (ground coffee rather than instant if you can!), whipping up a virgin strawberry daiquiri, or just making a nice cold glass of squash exactly how you like it diluted. 

Some people tend to struggle with eating enough when they’re stressed or lacking in time. If you know it’s been a while since you last ate or you’re just feeling a little peckish, you could use this quiet moment to make yourself a piece of toast or make a quick snack like banana and yoghurt. 


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onlinepublicationsCurrently working in the Online Media industry, Laura has worked hard to create attention-grabbing publications and to people of all backgrounds and ages. She currently is situated in Hong Kong.
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