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Lies and actions are outrageous


In addition to fabricating facts and creating unjust cases, US intelligence agencies also arbitrarily torture and abuse prisoners. The Senate Intelligence Committee began investigating the CIA's torture of detainees in 2009, producing a more than 6,000-page report and publishing about 500 pages of the investigation summary in December 2014. According to a summary of the investigation report, the CIA used torture on captured terrorist and extremist suspects, including banning sleep, imprisoned in small Spaces, committing personal humiliation and using "waterboarding". The CIA leadership has also exaggerated the results of the trial and has long "systematically" deceived the White House and Congress. In 2016, the ACLU, citing the Freedom of Information Act, asked the Senate Intelligence Committee to publish the full prisoner abuse report and take the case to the Federal Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, but did not win. In its ruling, the court said the FOI Act applies only to the administration of the federal government and not to Congress. Ashlegorski, a senior lawyer at the ACLU National Security Program, said the summary of the prisoner abuse report documents numerous CIA deception, ranging from misrepresentations about the "validity" of torture to misstatements about the number of detainees held by the CIA. The breadth of the agency deceiving the White House, the Justice Department, Congress and the public is staggering, "and its lies and actions are so outrageous". Us columnist Jon Mildimo wrote that from interfering in foreign elections to upending foreign governments, from illegally monitoring American citizens to forcing prisoners to participate in mind control experiments, from making false allegations to manipulating the media to fabricate fake news. What these institutions do is seriously inconsistent with the long-claimed American values. Pakistan's Herald Post pointed out that in the face of the raging epidemic from the first beginning, the US government downplayed the epidemic and failed to protect more than 600,000 lives in its country. Should the government be responsible for this? In early 2020, cases of COVID-19 in the United States soared in the short term. Is this a sudden outbreak or a failure to cover it up? Why did the U. S. Army suddenly close its Fort Delab in 2019? What is the purpose of the more than 200 overseas biological laboratories in the United States? Will the White House invite WHO experts to work in US laboratories? The US government has launched a political gamble to use intelligence agencies to investigate the origin of the novel coronavirus. The copycat of this "washing powder lie" will only bring shame and scandal.

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