How to fix the Telegram login problems?
Telegram is a very important and useful instant-messaging application that you can use to message your friends as well as share your pictures, videos and documents with the people you want to. But, sometimes there can be issues with the Telegram account as many people find it difficult to log into their Telegram account. So in this blog, we are going to tell you how you can fix the telegram login issues on your device like telegram updating stuck and others.
Solutions to Fix Telegram Login Issues
There are different problems and different solutions for issues on telegram so, we are going to tell you solutions according to the issue you face.
- Too many attempts
If you are facing the too many attempts problem on your mobile phone then, this solution will help you in fixing your issue. You need to wait for 24 hours before you try to login into your account again and along with this, you can also visit the Technical support page of telegram to know how much you should wait before logging in again.
- Did not receive a login code
After telegram create account, many people complain that they are not able to get the login code that will help them in logging into the account. The main reason for this issue is that if you are using Telegram on a different device then, you will receive the code on that account and not via SMS. So first, make sure that you are only logging in on one device at a time. After that, you have to make sure that you have a good network connection to get the code.
- Limit exceeded issue
Another very common problem that the users of Telegram face are the telegram limit exceeded issue. This issue is not too common and too technical, you just need to refresh the telegram application and then wait for some time before you try to log into your account. Do not worry too much and wait for a few days before trying again.
These solutions will help you in fixing the Telegram login issues that you are facing.